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History of Socialism

A few questions about the history of socialism
Are you familiar with the idea of communism?
yes, very well
yes, i read a few texts
i know what it means, but don't really have a clue
no, not really
no, not at all
Do you know the following persons?
Lew Trotzki
Rosa Luxemburg
Karl Radek
Grigori Zinoviev
Ernst Bloch
Karl Kautsky
Aris Velouchiotis
Jean-Paul Sartre
Ho Chi Minh
Salvador Allende
Nicos Poulantzas
Robert Kurz
Otto Grotewohl
Which of the following persons do you judge as fighters for freedom or great thinkers?
Lew Trotzki
Rosa Luxemburg
Karl Radek
Grigori Zinoviev
Ernst Bloch
Karl Kautsky
Aris Velouchiotis
Jean-Paul Sartre
Ho Chi Minh
Salvador Allende
Nicos Poulantzas
Robert Kurz
Otto Grotewohl
What would you call the political system of the Soviet Union?
State Socialism
State Capitalism
real existing Socialism
People's Democracy
Do you see the Octobre Revolution, which marked the beginning of a new age, as a positive event?
yes, it was a first step towards freedom
yes, although their way was wrong
yes, their way was right but they made a lot of mistakes
no, it was a good idea but couldn't succeed in this situation
no, it was the beginning of a period of terror
Do you see the Collaps of Socialism as a positive event?
Yes, finally the evil communist system was vanquished and the world was conquered by democracy and peace
Yes, although both systems had advantages and disadvantages
no, because the USA remained the sole world power
no, because the Soviet system proposed a better life to the people
no, because of both reasons
Do you think that the following crimes of Western countries were legitimate because they contributed to the defeat of the Soviet Union?
The installation of a fascist dictatorship in Greece by British and American influence from 1945 to 1974
The War on Vietnam
The slaughtering of vietnamese civilians
The War in Korea
The execution of the innocent Ethel Rosenberg just because she was a communist and the persecutions of the McCarthy-Era
The coup d'etat in Chile which killed the democratically elected Allende and installed the brutal regime of Pinochet
This poll was created on 2007-01-09 00:07:22 by Katerina