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wwe championships

what title is the best
what title looks the nicest?
ecw title
wwe title
world heavyweight title
united states title
intercontinental title
womens title
smackdown tag team titles
raw tag team titles
hardcore title
which title would you rather have if you were in the wwe? (boys only)
wwe title
world heavyweight title
ecw title
intercontinental title
united states title
smackdown tag team titles
raw tag team titles
hardcore title
what about the girls?
womens title
sexiest diva trophy
hardcore title
which tag title would you have?
world tag team titles (raw)
wwe tag team titles (smackdown)
who would you want to beat for a title?
john cena
bobby lashley
chris benoit
london and kendrick
hardy boyz
This poll was created on 2007-04-16 14:20:06 by MR.WWE..........WWE!!