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Religion, Sex, politics

This poll is simply to you those who are curious as to how the rest of the participants feel about the three most commonly interesting subjects.

If stuck alone on a oasis island, what kind of picture would you want nailed to your favorite tree?

16% (85) A religious picture(Jesus,etc)
52% (272) A naked man/woman/sheep/horse
30% (157) A picture of home/country /flag/

514 voters have answered this question.

On what do you spend the most money?

4% (21) Charity (tithes,donations)
88% (458) Personal (clothes, cars)
7% (37) Investment(stocks/real estate)

516 voters have answered this question.

What will best make the world a better place?

33% (159) One world religion
23% (112) One world race
42% (201) One world government

472 voters have answered this question.

Which gender is more in touch with their religion?

22% (104) Male
77% (358) Female

462 voters have answered this question.

Which gender is more sexually stable?

36% (177) Male
63% (303) Female

480 voters have answered this question.

Which gender is more competent in logical discussions?

59% (285) Male
40% (192) Female

477 voters have answered this question.

Is organized religion necessary?

17% (89) Yes
47% (244) No
6% (34) Define "religion"
16% (84) Define "organized"
12% (62) I have my own "religion"

513 voters have answered this question.

Is sexual preference the result of sexual acceptance and competence?

26% (131) Yes
32% (159) No
41% (204) Maybe

494 voters have answered this question.

Are you happy with the current global political arenas?

13% (66) Yes
86% (435) No

501 voters have answered this question.

Are you getting sex regularly?

29% (145) Yes, I laid often
27% (134) No, rare but worth the wait
1% (5) Yes, but my personality sucks
4% (24) No, but I have money to buy it
25% (123) Yes, with my hand or adult toy
12% (61) No, sex scares me

492 voters have answered this question.

Do you vote on publicly offered issues?

52% (252) Yes, any chance I get.
10% (52) No, I can't change the system
20% (98) Yes, but only for big issues
16% (79) No, because, who cares?

481 voters have answered this question.

Does your religion allow for forgivness of other religions?

47% (206) Yes, if they are not harming to other people
9% (39) No, all others are blasphemous and must be destroyd
31% (138) Yes, all belief are of value
11% (50) No, they must be converted to match mine

433 voters have answered this question.

What is your current physical gender?

61% (318) Male
31% (164) Female
2% (11) Both
1% (8) Neither
2% (13) Other

514 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-05-25 19:00:09 by MPC2410413975
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