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Africans vs. Blacks

Lately, I've noticed the term "African American" used instead of "Black." It's something that bothers me. I don't know why. I mean, I'm called "White," not "European American," even though I am descended from Europeans. It doesn't seem right to call a black person who has never been to Africa "African American." Also, I was wondering if you've ever noticed the difference in African people and black people. I have never met a rude African person. I know a few and they are so, incredibly polite. Black people, on the other hand.... Not to say all black people are rude; I know some who are polite, but some can be just plain assholes. Also, not to say that all Africans are nice, there are probably a few out there who are ruder than Hell, just the ones I know are nice. Anyway, what do you think?
Are you:
Do you know any Africans?
Are they more polite than American blacks?
Yes, more
Yes, a little
The same
No, a little less polite
No, a lot less polite
Does the term "African American" instead of "Black" offend/annoy you?
Yes, a lot
Yes, a little
No, not at all
I never thought about it.
Which term do you use?
African American
Do you consider this poll racist? I honestly didn't mean for it to be.
Yes, very. I am incredibly offended
Yes, but only a little. It was inevitable with this subject.
I didn't think about it.
No, not really. You tried hard to keep it fair.
No, not at all. I didn't notice any deliberate racial remarks.
This poll was created on 2007-02-04 05:32:10 by 2_silly_4_me