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Horse Whipping

Omg, stop whipping horses! They are defenseless animals, they can feel, too, and most of the time the behavior that we whip them for is provoked by humans. Stop whipping horses because they are bad, and start rewarding them because they are awesome creatures and they never fail to please us!

Would you ever whip a horse?

39% (39) No, it is not humane!
15% (15) No.
3% (3) No, unless I was given money.
21% (21) Yes, only if the horse wasn't doing what I wanted
8% (8) Yes.
5% (5) Yes, I would love the chance to disipline a horse
8% (8) Yes, I would whip all day long and tell others to

99 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever whipped a horse?

12% (12) Yes, loads of times!
15% (15) Yes.
3% (3) Yes, and I encourage the use of whips.
2% (2) Probably, I can't remember.
2% (2) Probably not, I can't remember.
28% (28) No, it is not humane!
28% (28) No.
3% (3) No, but I would like to.
4% (4) Yes, but I regret it.

97 voters have answered this question.

Is horsewhipping cruel?

21% (24) Yes, if you use the whip too much.
10% (12) Yes.
27% (31) Yes!!!!
15% (17) No, it's fine if the horse is misbehaving.
4% (5) No, horses need a good beating now and then.
7% (8) NO!!! I love to/would love to whip them!!
1% (2) NO!!!
10% (12) Sometimes.

111 voters have answered this question.

If you HAD to whip a horse, you would...

34% (36) Hate it!!!!
7% (8) Love it!!!!
8% (9) Not feel bad about it.
4% (5) Do it really, really hard!
22% (23) Do it really, really softly!
21% (22) Just do it because I had to, with no feelings.

103 voters have answered this question.

If I saw a horse being whipped I would...

22% (26) Tell the whipper to stop.
23% (27) Feel bad for the horse.
5% (6) Make friends with the whipper.
7% (9) Join in.
7% (9) Tattle on the whipper.
11% (13) Buy the horse and give it a better life.
6% (8) I wouldn't feel bad or happy.
16% (19) I wouldn't interfere.

117 voters have answered this question.

I am against horsewhipping

44% (37) Yes
27% (23) No
5% (5) Maybe
22% (19) I have mixed feelings on this subject

84 voters have answered this question.

I have protested against horsewhipping in the past...

11% (11) Yes
62% (59) No
6% (6) I can't remember, probably
2% (2) I can't remember, probably not
3% (3) I never have and never will
5% (5) I am protesting right now
3% (3) A million times
5% (5) Yes, I have and will continue to

94 voters have answered this question.

I love horses

53% (51) Yes
5% (5) No
5% (5) Maybe
10% (10) Sometimes
21% (21) Yes, they are the best!
4% (4) No, they are the worst!

96 voters have answered this question.

I am against horsewhipping...

36% (34) Yes
28% (26) No
23% (22) OF COURSE!

92 voters have answered this question.

Instead of horsewhipping I would like to try...

1% (2) Bach Flower Remedies
6% (7) Join up
1% (2) T-touch
20% (21) TLC- tender, loving care
9% (10) Not horsewhipping???
8% (9) I will only use horsewhipping
8% (9) I would use horsewhipping and one of the above
11% (12) None of the above
25% (27) Other non-violent method
5% (6) Other method similar to horsewhipping

105 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-06-28 00:19:07 by HarryPotterLover
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