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"24" Rules

I love 24. I've been watching this new season and I think it kicks all ass. That's just me, though. What do you think?
Do you love "24"?
Love it
Like it
I prefer "Heroes"
Hate it
24 rules about what? (If you answer this, get off my poll!)
Who's your favorite character?
Jack Bauer
Kim Bauer (Jack's daughter)
Phillip Bauer (Jack's dad)
Audrey Raines
Graham Bauer (Jack's brother)
Bill Buchanan
Nadia Yassir
Chloe O'Brian
Curtis Manning (Deceased)
Morris O'Brian
Milo Pressman
Mike Doyle
Wayne Palmer
Thomas Lennox
Sandra Palmer
Noah Daniels
Agent Aaron Pierce
Reed Pollock
Karen Hayes
Abu Fayed
Ahmed Amar
Hamri Al-Assad
Walid Al-Rezani
The Wallace Family
Marilyn (Graham's wife)
Josh (Graham's son)
Did you notice the physical similarities between Josh Bauer (Jack's nephew) and Kim Bauer?
I never thought about it.
Do you think this means that Josh isn't Graham's son, but really Jack's?
I never really thought about it
I'm bored, now. Should I make more questions?
Yes, please.
No, please, spare us all.
This poll was created on 2007-01-25 17:08:36 by 2_silly_4_me