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Conservative or Liberal? Find out!

Do you consider yourself to be a conservative or a liberal? Many times people align themselves with a particular political party but they really don't think about their views compared with their party's platform. So take the poll and you may surprise yourself.
Do you consider yourself:
Are you a:
Other party affiliation?
If there are two equally qualified people applying for the same job and one is a minority, do you think:
The minority should get the job? (Liberal view)
Each candidate should have an equal shot at the job? (Conservative view)
No opinion.
If you said the minority should get the job in the previous question; would you change your mind if it was you competing against the minority?
Yes. (Conservative view)
No. (Liberal view)
I answered they should have an equal shot at the job in the last question.
Do you think law abiding citizens with no criminal record should be able to own a handgun?
Yes. (Conserative view)
No. (Liberal view)
No opinion.
Do you think law abiding citizens have the right to defend themselves with a gun if they are threatened?
Yes. (Conservative view)
No. (Liberal view)
No opinion.
If you said that law abiding citizens should not be able to defend themselves with a gun in the previous question, would you change your mind if it was you or one of your family members being attacked?
No. (Liberal view)
Yes. (Conservative view)
I said law abiding citizens should have the right to defend themselves with a gun in the previous question.
Do you believe you can succeed in life on your own, or do you think you need the government's assistance to succeed?
I need the government to help me succeed; I can't make it on my own. (Liberal view)
I can do anything I put my mind to; I don't need the government's help. (Conservative view)
No opinion.
Do you think men and women can do the same jobs equally?
Yes, and even if women can't do a job as well as a man, the requirements should be changed to accomodate the woman. (Liberal view)
No, there are some jobs that men do better just as there are some jobs that women do better, but either way, a man or woman should be able to hold a particular job as long as they can do it without changing the job requirements. (Conservative view)
No opinion.
Do you think English should be the official language of the US?
No, all languages should be allowed to maintain various cultures. (Liberal view)
Yes, just as other countries have one official language, English should be the primary language. There is nothing stopping anyone from speaking another language privately. (Conservative view)
No opinion.
Do you think abortion for any reason is OK?
Yes. (Liberal view)
No. (Conservative view)
No opinion.
If you think abortion is OK for any reason, would you change your mind if you were the fetus that was to be aborted?
No. (Liberal view)
Yes. (Consevative view)
I said I didn't think abortion was OK.
Do you think a person has the right to make as much money as they can as long as they earn it legally?
Yes. (Conservative view)
No, it's not fair that some people have more money than others. Wealth should be spread around evenly. (Liberal view)
No opinion.
If you said you think people should not be able to make as much money as they can and that money should be spread evenly among people, would you change your mind if it was you who was making a ton of money?
No, I shouldn't be allowed to make so much money. (Liberal view)
Yes, if I made it, it's mine. (Conservative view)
I said people should be able to make as much money as they can in the previous question.
Do you think that the US should try to get rid of dictators who torture and kill in other countries (such as Iraq) and try to establish democracies?
Yes. (Conservative view)
No. (Liberal view)
No opinion.
If you answered no to the previous question, would you change your mind if members of your family lived in a particular country and were being tortured?
Yes. (Conservative view)
No. (Liberal view)
I said the US should go in and get rid of dictators.
If you spilled hot coffee purchased from McDonalds on yourself and were burned, would you:
Sue McDonalds because there was no warning on the cup that the coffee was hot. (Liberal view)
Believe it was your fault that you spilled the coffee and that you should have known it was hot. (Conservative view)
No opinion.
Do you believe in "political correctness" when it comes to people saying what they think?
Yes, people should not be allowed to say things against a group of people, such as a minority, or say things that will hurt other people's feelings. (Liberal view)
No, the first ammendment to the constitution gives us the right to free speech, and even if I don't agree with what you say or think, I will defend your right to say it. (Conservative view)
No opinion.
Do you believe the government should control prices of things we buy?
No, I believe in a free market system based on supply and demand. If a price is too high on something, people won't buy it and the prices will eventually come down. (Conservative view)
Yes, big companies need to be controlled by the goverment. (Liberal view)
No opinion.
If you answered yes to the previous question that the goverment should control prices, would you change your mind if you were the owner of a company that sold products and the government would't allow you to charge what you wanted for your products?
No, I still believe the government should control businesses. (Liberal view)
Yes, I should be able to charge what I want for my products. (Conservative view)
I said that government should not control prices in the previous question.
Do you think people on welfare should be required to do public work if they are able in order to collect benefits?
No, making them work is like slavery. (Liberal view)
Yes, if they are able, they should work. (Conservative view)
No opinion.
Do you think that it is better for people to try to excel at things, such as sports or academics or is it better for people to all do the same so there are no winners or losers and no one's feelings are hurt?
There should be no winners or losers. Everyone should be equal. (Liberal view)
People should try as hard as they can to excel. There are winners and losers, that's just the way life is. (Conservative view)
No opinion.
Do you think there are things that are right and wrong or do you think there are no right and wrongs, just whatever is good for you.
There are definitely things that are right and wrong. (Conservative view)
There are not really many rights and wrongs, it's just whatever is good for you. (Liberal view)
No opinion.
Do you think people should be able to do what they want with their own body as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else? (Check all that apply)
Smoking, yes? (Conservative view)
Smoking, no? (Liberal view)
Drugs, no? (Conservative view)
Drugs, yes? (Liberal view)
Prostitution, no? (Conservative view)
Prostitution, yes? (Liberal view)
Abortion, no? (Conservative view)
Abortion, yes? (Liberal view)
No opinion.
Do you think the government should be able to decide what you see, hear or read? (Such as pornography, Howard Stern etc.)
Yes. (Conservative view)
No. (Liberal view)
No opinion.
Do you think government should be smaller and take less taxes or should it be larger and take more taxes?
Smaller, less taxes. (Conservative view)
Larger, more taxes. (Liberal view)
No opinion.
Do you think the government takes too much tax out of your paycheck?
Yes. (Conservative view)
No. (Liberal view)
No opinion.
After taking this poll, have you changed your mind about whether you are a liberal or a conservative?
I thought I was a liberal but now I realize I am more conservative.
I thought I was a conservative but now I realize I am more liberal.
I thought I was a liberal and I still believe I am a liberal.
I thought I was a conservative and I still believe I am a conservative.
I thought I was a liberal and I think I'm right in the middle now.
I thought I was a conservative and I think I'm right in the middle now.
This is the last question of the poll. Will this poll cause you to look more closely at a political candidate's positions on issues to see if they are more in line with yours rather than voting strictly along party lines? (Please feel free to leave comments at the end of the poll)
Don't know.
This poll was created on 2007-01-31 00:29:01 by Just want to know 8827