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Babysitting Girls

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I was wondering what some babysitters would do in some of situations

Who Are You

22% (193) Male 18 and Older
26% (230) Male 17 and Under
14% (122) Female 18 and Over
36% (320) Female 17 and Under

865 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever Babysat a Girl?

29% (255) Yes Age 0-2
54% (469) 3-5
61% (537) 6-8
53% (461) 9-11
40% (353) 11-12
35% (308) 13 and Older
5% (47) I Never Babysat a Girl

868 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever babysat a Girl who had an Accidents?

27% (234) Yes Age 0-2
48% (413) 3-5
49% (421) 6-8
39% (331) 9-11
30% (255) 11-12
26% (221) 13 and Older
7% (67) I Never Babysat a

848 voters have answered this question.

Why Did they have an Accident

65% (530) Held it Too Long
44% (364) Drank to Much
42% (347) Didnt Ask
21% (174) Couldnt Find Bathroom
28% (230) Didnt Want to Find Bathroom
17% (144) Line in Bathroom
19% (161) No Bathrooms
33% (274) Tickled
18% (152) Sneezed/Coughed
30% (245) Laughed
13% (106) Got Hit in Abdomen Area
23% (191) Wasnt Allowed Permission to Use Bathroom
24% (197) Other

813 voters have answered this question.

Guys if you were Babysitting a Girl under 5 and your at a Store and she really had to pee what would you do

55% (385) *Take her to the mens Room
2% (20) Let her go in the Womans Room all alone
6% (47) Ask a Female to take her for you
5% (36) Hold it until you find another bathroom both can go in
1% (11) Ignore Her
25% (175) Tell her to Pee her Pants
3% (24) Other

698 voters have answered this question.

Guys if you chose to take her to the Mens Room in the above Question (Marked with *) what would you do if the stalls were being used, they were to disgusting, or they were all in use

24% (153) Tell her to pee in a Urinal
15% (95) Take her to the Sink
21% (136) Tell her to Hold it until a Stall is Available
5% (32) Have her pee on the ground (If no Urinals are Available)
12% (78) Have her pee on the ground
21% (133) I Wouldnt Take Her in Here to Begin With

627 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-01-25 07:14:05 by Cutie_Girl
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