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Boyfriends and other girls...what is okay?

This poll arises from the discovery that a lot of women are dealing with issues about their boyfriends and the internet. This is where I want to know what you think about particular things boyfriends do. If you are a guy, then answer the questions as if it was about your girlfriend. Be honest - these are important things that we women deal with on a daily basis! Pass this on!
Are you male or female?
Are you currenly in a relationship?
Would you it bother you if your boyfriend was chatting online with random girls?
Would it be okay for your boyfriend to exchange MSN and/or phone numbers with these girls?
Yes - MSN and phone
Yes - MSN only
Yes - phone only
No - MSN and phone
Would it be okay if your boyfriend talked about meeting or planned to meet with these girls?
Yes - only talking about it, but not actually doing it.
Yes - if he wants to meet up with them, who am I to stop him?
Yes - if I came along
No - are you crazy - over my dead body!!!
Would it be okay if your boyfriend exchanged photos with these girls?
Yes - only if they weren't nude or sexual.
Yes - whatever he wants to do is fine with me
No - do you think I'm crazy to be okay with this?!!?
Would it be okay if your boyfriend contacted girls, telling them they're sexy and asking them what turns them on?
Yes - whatever he wants..
Yes - only to complimenting; he's allowed to admire
No - that's almost as bad as picking up a girl in person
No - it's not like picking up a person, but it's still not cool.
If you knew your boyfriend was doing all this because he was upfront with you, would it change your answers?
Would you stay in the relationship if your boyfriend was acting this way?
Definitely Yes
Maybe Yes
Maybe No
Definitely No
An addition after some talk: Would it be okay if your boyfriend added a girl as a friend on their sites (ie: myspace, facebook, hi5, etc.)
Yes - only if I knew (about) her too
Definitely Not!
This poll was created on 2007-02-21 02:09:55 by sassy_Fraz