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Quit Smoking Survey - Smokers and Non-Smokers

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For my English 102 Final research paper I will use your comments and tips to supplement my "The Best Way to Quit Smoking" paper.

I am currently...

55% (11) Smoker.
30% (6) Non-Smoker.
15% (3) Trying to quit.

20 voters have answered this question.

When I did/do smoke I averaged...

27% (5) Two pack a day or more.
27% (5) One pack a day.
16% (3) Half a pack a day.
27% (5) Less than half a pack a day.

18 voters have answered this question.

I would/am quitting smoking because... (Check all that apply.)

75% (9) Of health concerns.
33% (4) It's a stinky habit.
41% (5) I would like my sense of smell and taste back.
25% (3) My family and/or friends want me to.

12 voters have answered this question.

Out of the following choices I have heard/found that the following is the best way to quit.

21% (3) Nicotine replacement therapies. (ie. the patch, gum, inhaler, etc)
7% (1) Zyban or Wellbutrin (no nicotine replacement).
7% (1) Medications and nicotine replacement.
14% (2) Cold turkey, no help.
50% (7) Cold turkey, support groups, oral replacements (licorice, bubble gum, straws, etc.)
0% (0) Other.

14 voters have answered this question.

If you have quit, how long have you been quit for?

40% (4) Under a week.
0% (0) One week.
20% (2) Two weeks - One Month.
10% (1) Two Months to Six Months.
0% (0) Six Months to a Year.
30% (3) Longer than a year.

10 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-03-07 01:19:51 by KatyB98
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