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The 2007 MrPoll.com Oscars!

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Best Picture

13% (3) Babel
36% (8) The Departed
9% (2) Letters From Iwa Jima
31% (7) Little Miss Sunshine
9% (2) The Queen

22 voters have answered this question.

Best Achievement In Directing

18% (4) Clint Eastwood for Letters from Iwo Jima
0% (0) Stephen Frears for The Queen
27% (6) Alejandro González Iñárritu for Babel
9% (2) Paul Greengrass for United 93
45% (10) Martin Scorsese for The Departed

22 voters have answered this question.

Best Performance By An Actor In A Leading Role

27% (6) Leonardo DiCaprio for Blood Diamond
18% (4) Ryan Gosling for Half Nelson
9% (2) Peter O'Toole for Venus
13% (3) Will Smith for The Pursuit of Happyness
31% (7) Forest Whitaker for The Last King of Scotland

22 voters have answered this question.

Best Performance By An Actress In A Leading Role

18% (4) Penélope Cruz for Volver
22% (5) Judi Dench for Notes on a Scandal
22% (5) Helen Mirren for The Queen
18% (4) Meryl Streep for The Devil Wears Prada
18% (4) Kate Winslet for Little Children

22 voters have answered this question.

Best Performance By An Actor In A Supporting Role

13% (3) Alan Arkin for Little Miss Sunshine
22% (5) Jackie Earle Haley for Little Children
27% (6) Djimon Hounsou for Blood Diamond
18% (4) Eddie Murphy for Dreamgirls
18% (4) Mark Wahlberg for The Departed

22 voters have answered this question.

Best Performance By An Actress In A Supporting Role

23% (5) Adriana Barraza for Babel
23% (5) Cate Blanchett for Notes on a Scandal
19% (4) Abigail Breslin for Little Miss Sunshine
23% (5) Jennifer Hudson for Dreamgirls
9% (2) Rinko Kikuchi for Babel

21 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-01-31 23:17:27 by Tanman7193
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