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*~_Type of girl you like_~* (for guys)

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These are a few questions based on the type of girl you might like. Let's say all girls are in high school.

First of all, you are a:

95% (70) Male
4% (3) Female (please check results only!)

73 voters have answered this question.

Your age group is:

6% (5) less than 14 (what exactly are you doing here?)
21% (16) 14-15
20% (15) 16-17
13% (10) 18-19
5% (4) 20-21
31% (23) over 21

73 voters have answered this question.

Educational status:

16% (12) In school
39% (29) In high scool
22% (17) In college
21% (16) Graduate

74 voters have answered this question.

Ok, let's get down to business. Here are some types of girls I want your opinion about. First, let's say we have a 5 42" feet tall girl, medium brown hair, dark brown eyes, around 132 pounds. Nice personality, caring, mostly quiet. Not shy, but still the more "smartly/nerdy" type of girl. Very good student, wears glasses. Would you like to date her?

27% (20) Yeah, definitely!
39% (29) Maybe, if I met her.
13% (10) She's ok.
16% (12) Not so sure...
2% (2) Not really!

73 voters have answered this question.

The "girl next door" type. Around 5.6" feet tall, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, around 127 pounds. Nice personality, sweet at times, mostly minds her own business. Knows how to have fun, keeps an eye open for school & other responsibilities. Would you like to date her?

45% (33) Yeah, definitely!
36% (27) Maybe, if I met her.
10% (8) She's ok.
6% (5) Not so sure...
0% (0) Not really!

73 voters have answered this question.

The "sweet girl" type. Around 5.4" feet tall, brunette, blue eyes, around 123 pounds. Interested in people, gets attached to them easily, caring when you have a problem. Kind of outgoing, likes sports. Also a good student. Would you like to date her?

57% (41) Yeah, definitely!
26% (19) Maybe, if I met her.
4% (3) She's ok.
8% (6) Not so sure...
2% (2) Not really!

71 voters have answered this question.

The "model" type. A bit taller than 5. 7" feet, light blonde hair, light brown eyes, around 137 pounds. Sporty personality, very outgoing, flirty, at times. Doesn't really care about school, she's all out for fun. Talks about herself, but the conversations are only surface-leveled. You won't guess very soon what's on her mind. Would you like to date her?

13% (10) Yeah, definitely!
34% (25) Maybe, if I met her.
16% (12) She's ok.
15% (11) Not so sure...
20% (15) Not really!

73 voters have answered this question.

The "goth" type of girl. Somewhere around 5.65" feet tall, black dyed hair, with some pink highlights in front (you can't tell her original color), green eyes (uses some really dark-green make-up), around 140 pounds. Likes to dress black. Not very outgoing, but knows how to have fun. Plays some volley-ball at times. Will be nice if she gets to know you. Might have some traces of violence in her behavior, if you don't stop bugging her. Seldom talks about herself, never talkes about her family. Tries to be a good student, her grades are mostly "B"s.

8% (6) Yeah, definitely!
22% (16) Maybe, if I met her.
11% (8) She's ok.
14% (10) Not so sure...
43% (31) Not really!

71 voters have answered this question.

I realise there are many more kinds of personalities. I just wanted to ask your opinion on some. Was this poll ok?

15% (11) I enjoyed it!
38% (27) It was good!
28% (20) Was ok.
11% (8) Nothing special...
5% (4) Umm, don't really like it.

70 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-11-30 10:38:56 by snickersfan15
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