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The New Underwear Survey

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This is a new survey open to everyone. Please answer honestly.

Men. Do you wear underpants / boxer shorts ?

57% (642) Yes, always
18% (204) Yes, usually
10% (113) Yes, sometimes
13% (154) No never

1113 voters have answered this question.

Women, do you wear panties ?

45% (209) Yes, always
16% (74) Yes, usually
17% (79) Yes, sometimes
21% (97) No, never

459 voters have answered this question.

Women, do you wear a bra ?

38% (169) Yes, always
23% (103) Yes, usually
21% (93) Yes, sometimes
16% (71) No, never

436 voters have answered this question.

Men. What do you wear in bed ?

32% (356) Nothing
16% (177) Pyjamas
51% (568) Underwear

1101 voters have answered this question.

Women. What do you wear in bed?

37% (160) Nothing
25% (109) Nightdress / pyjamas
37% (159) T-shirt & panties

428 voters have answered this question.

Men. How many pairs of underpants do you own ?

6% (73) 0
6% (72) 1-5
19% (223) 6-10
24% (269) 11-15
12% (145) 19-20
8% (91) 21-25
21% (243) more

1116 voters have answered this question.

Women. How many pairs of panties do you own ?

11% (47) 0
7% (30) 1-5
7% (34) 6-10
15% (68) 11-15
16% (71) 16-20
15% (67) 21-25
25% (109) more

426 voters have answered this question.

Women. How many bras do you own ?

9% (42) 0
23% (101) 1-5
30% (129) 6-10
14% (60) 11-15
6% (29) 16-20
5% (25) 21-25
9% (39) more

425 voters have answered this question.

Men.Do you prefer women to be with or without underwear ?

63% (664) With
36% (383) Without

1047 voters have answered this question.

Women. Do you prefer men to be with or without underwear ?

62% (274) With
37% (166) Without

440 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-01-28 12:05:23 by MPC3936084250
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