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untucked uniform shirts

This is a poll to see when/why you untuck your uniform
do you leave your uniform untucked at times? (if not, please leave)
when do you leave your uniform untucked? (check all the apply)
after school
at home
before school
during school (sometimes)
during school (the whole time)
hanging out with friends
all of the above (I never tuck in my shirt!)
other (please leave message)
why do you leave your shirt untucked? (check all that apply)
my friends do
I'm forced to
It feels confortable
it's cool and awesome
I like to defy the dress code
it makes me popular
other (please leave message)
if you get caught by your teacher/parents with your uniform shirt not tucked in, what will happen to you?
I'll be forced to tuck it in and i'll go on with my life
I'll be forced to tuck it in and i'll get a detention
I'll be forced to tuck it in and i'll get spanked
I'll be forced to tuck it in and i'll get suspended
I'll be forced to tuck it in and get other types of punishment (please leave message)
I'll get punished, but I still won't tuck it in
they won't care
are you a guy or a girl?
what grade are you in?
4th (or lower)
guys: would you love to see school girls with their uniform shirts untucked?
yeah, they look great
I don't mind
girls: would you love to see school boys with their uniform shirt untucked?
yeah, they look great
I don't mind
If the dress code in your school is changed, would the change of letting students wear their shirts untucked satisfy you?
yeah, they should've done that years ago
no, it takes away the point and excitement of me untucking my shirt
no, that takes away diversity among students
other (please leave message)
This poll was created on 2006-04-24 02:53:52 by misterpollisthebest