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This is just a poll about you guys and your crushes... JUST TO LET YOU KNOW, THIS IS MOSTLY FOR TEENAGE GUYS!!(Or guys in school/college.) But if you're not, it's okay to still take it as long as you're a male!

Are you a guy?

93% (120) Yes.
6% (8) No. (Just check results only!)

128 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

4% (6) Under 11
15% (20) 12
17% (22) 13
14% (18) 14
15% (19) 15
7% (9) 16
6% (8) 17
5% (7) 18
2% (3) 19
0% (1) 20
4% (6) 21-29
5% (7) 30+

126 voters have answered this question.

Do you have a crush right now?

94% (117) Yes
5% (7) No

124 voters have answered this question.

Do you know if she likes you back?

34% (43) No, but I think she does.
52% (65) No
12% (15) Yes, she does.

123 voters have answered this question.

How many crushes do you have at once?

54% (67) One
24% (30) Two
11% (14) Three
0% (1) Four
8% (11) Five or more

123 voters have answered this question.

If you have a crush on somebody, do you usually:

46% (58) Hide it
44% (56) In between
8% (11) Show it

125 voters have answered this question.

Do you try to pursue her? (Or ask her out?)

8% (11) Yes
47% (59) Sometimes/Maybe
43% (54) No

124 voters have answered this question.

You like your crush because of her:

8% (10) All Looks
4% (6) All Personality
20% (26) Mostly looks/Some personality
20% (25) Some looks/Mostly personality
46% (58) Both equally

125 voters have answered this question.

Do you know your crush?

43% (54) Yes, we're friends
21% (27) Yes.
1% (2) Yes, but she doesn't like me.
24% (31) Kind-of.
8% (11) Not at all.

125 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever had a huge crush on a girl just only from her looks?

41% (52) No
58% (72) Yes

124 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever had a crush on a girl with glasses?

46% (58) No
53% (67) Yes

125 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever had a crush on a girl who was considered "dorky" or was overweight?

23% (29) Yes, a "dorky" one.
8% (10) Yes, an overweight one.
63% (79) No.
16% (20) No. (You think that's ewww.)

124 voters have answered this question.

Do you tend to like those girls who every guy seems to like? (Like those super-pretty girls or "popular")

19% (24) Yes
40% (50) No
40% (50) Sometimes

124 voters have answered this question.

When a girl is a virgin, you:

23% (29) You like it.
23% (29) You love it.
0% (1) You don't like it.
52% (64) It doesn't matter to you.

123 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever had a crush on a girl just because you found out she liked you?

18% (23) Yes
30% (38) No
34% (43) Never happened to me, but maybe I would.
8% (10) Never happened to me, but no I wouldn't.
7% (9) Never happened to me, but I would.

123 voters have answered this question.

Let's say you're a Senior guy in high school, would you ever have a crush on a Freshman girl?

28% (35) Yeah
47% (58) Maybe
23% (28) No

121 voters have answered this question.

What if she had a crush on you?

83% (99) Maybe you'll like her.
16% (20) Still wouldn't like her.

119 voters have answered this question.

Do you have a girlfriend right now?

6% (8) Yes
93% (115) No

123 voters have answered this question.

If you do/did have a girlfriend, do you still have crushes on other girls?

37% (32) Yeah
62% (53) No

85 voters have answered this question.

Would you ever cheat on your girlfriend?

2% (3) Yeah
1% (2) Already did
88% (104) No
7% (9) Maybe

118 voters have answered this question.

If you really liked a girl(that you have never talked to) and you decided to give her flowers and then ever since she has never talked to you or looked at you. (She basically blew you off and doesn't like you.) Would you still have a crush on her?

19% (23) Yes
33% (40) No
47% (57) Yes, but not as much...

120 voters have answered this question.

You tend to like girls that are:

84% (102) Same age.
29% (36) A year older.
13% (16) 2 or more years older.
37% (45) A year younger.
20% (25) 2 or more years younger.

121 voters have answered this question.

When you have a crush on a girl, do you tell your friends?

13% (16) Yes
40% (48) No
46% (56) Some of them.

120 voters have answered this question.

Do I need to add any more questions? (If I do, just post it and I'll add it.)

55% (66) No.
8% (10) Yes. (And I'll post it.)
36% (43) Yes. (But I won't post it.)

119 voters have answered this question.

Did you like this poll?

21% (25) Yes, I loved it.
34% (41) Yeah, I liked it.
41% (49) It was okay.
2% (3) No.

118 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-05-21 18:48:34 by x_Julie_x
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