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What should happen to Paulo Ferreira?

Paulo Ferreira is the evil being responsible for the absence of Wayne Rooney for a significant part of the world cup. This poll exists in order to democratically ascertain what punishment should be inflicted on him.
Is he guilty
What punishment should he be given?
1. He should be hung off Tower Bridge using dental floss tied to his left testicle
2. He should be put in a pub full of England fans watching a game which would be significantly better from England'd point of view with the presance of Wayne
3. He should be made to spend an hour in a room with Steven Fry
4. He should be publicly hung in the Tower of London
Do you think we'll win the World cup?
If you answered 'No' to Q.3 do you think we'd have won if Wayne could play?
We'd have had a bloody good chance
This poll was created on 2006-05-31 18:06:10 by Scotty-0409