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How much does America know about politics in general?

This Poll is designed with Americans only in mind. If you are not from the United States of America, this poll will not apply to you because it will ask you very specific questions that only Americans should know. There are no questions involving opinion. Simply answer these questions to the best of your abiility without researching as you go. I ask for honesty, and if you do not know the answer to a question, answer it that you do not know.
I know the name of the person elected by my congressional district to the House of Representatives.
I have no representative in the United States House of Representatives.
I know the party affiliation of the person elected by my congressional district to the House of Representatives.
I have no representative in the House of Representatives.
I know the name of the person who is running against my representative in the United States House of Representatives.
My representative is running unopposed
I have no representative in the House of Representatives.
How many people are from your state in the United States Senate?
More than Four
I know the name(s) of the person(s) running against my Senator(s) in 2006.
No Senator from my state is up for reelection
There are no Senators from my state.
I know the party affiliation of ______ of the United States Senators from my state.
What was the name of the last elected president who was not a Governor?
Albert J. Gore
James Danforth Quayle
George Herbert Walker Bush
William Jefferson Clinton
Ronald Reagan
Gerald Ford
I don't know
Which president named November 26 as as Thanksgiving?
Abraham Lincoln
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
John Quincy Adams
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
I don't know
Which president established Thanksgiving as the last Thursday in November?
Abraham Lincoln
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
John Quincy Adams
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
I don't know
Which president noved Thanksgiving one week earlier?
Abraham Lincoln
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
John Quincy Adams
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
I don't know
In what year did Congress establish that Thanksgiving is the 4th Thursday in November?
I don't know
What document gives Congress the power to collect income tax?
The Declaration of Independence
Article 3 of the Constitution of the United States
The Federalist Papers
The 3rd Amendment of the Constitution
The Emancipation Proclamation
The 16th Amendment of the Constitution
The Mayflower Compact
No such document exists
I don't know
What United States document guarantees the separation of church and state?
The United States Constitution
The Federalist Papers
The Mayflower Compact
The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States
The Declaration of Independence
It is not guaranteed anywhere in any official document
I don't know
What three Presidents tried lower personal income tax rates to boost the economy and raise revenue for the government?
Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, George W. Bush 43
John F. Kennedy, Jimmie Carter, Bill Clinton
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton
John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush 43
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan
No president ever reduced personal income tax rates.
I don't know
How did lowering personal income taxes work in each of these three tries?
Lowering personal income taxes improved the economy and brought in more revenue to the government every time it was tried.
They all had limited improvement for a short time
One was good, the other two were bad
Two were bad, the other one was good
They all weren't that good, but it wasn't really that bad
All times it drastically lowered economic standards and reduced the amount of revinue taken in my the government.
I don't know
What was the site of the battle where the Star Spangled Banner was written?
Washington DC
Fort Dix
Fort Sumter
Fort Ticonderoga
Fort McHenry
New York City
Pearl Harbor
I don't know
How many stars are on the flag that inspired the writing of the Star Spangled Banner?
I don't know
What city is credited with the creation of Memorial Day?
Plymouth Massachusetts - 1620
Jamestown Virginia - 1607
Lexington, Massachusetts - 1777
Appomattox Virginia - 1865
Reading Pennsylvania - 1820
Waterloo New York, 1866
Davenport Iowa, 1892
I don't know
Who was President when Memorial Day became a National Holiday?
Ulysses S. Grant
Theodore Roosevelt
Calvin Coolidge
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Harry S Truman
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon Johnson
Richard Nixon
I don't know
What was the original name of Veterans Day?
Military Tribute Day
Remembrance Day
Armistice Day
I don't know
It's always been called Veterans Day.
What was it founded upon?
Signing of the treaty of surrender by Robert E. Lee
Signing of the treaty of surrender by the Germans after WWI
Signing of the treaty of surrender by the Germans after WWII
Signing of the instrument of surrender by the Japanese after WWII
Surrender of British forces after the war of 1812
I don't know
What year was the first Unknown Soldier interred at the monument at Arlington National Cemetery?
What does "interred" mean?
I don't know
Does Canada have a 4th of July?
I don't have a copy of a Canadian Calendar
When someone asks my income I say....
The amount I get in a paycheck times the number of paychecks I get per year
The amount of my gross pay in the current year
I don't know how much money I make
What day are income tax returns due?
January 31
February 28
March 15
April 15
May 15
There is no due date.
I don't know
When someone files their income tax return, and still owes taxes after the due date, at what rate does the Federal Government charge interest on the amount owed?
1% per month
1.5% per month
6% per year
Federal short-term rate
Federal short-term rate plus 3%
Federal short-term rate plus 4%
I don't know
When someone files a tax return and has an refund due from the Federal Government, at what interest rate does the government pay?
None, it's like an interest free loan to the government
0.5% per month
1.0% per month
Federal short-term rate
Federal short-term rate minus 1%
Federal short-term rate plus 1%
I don't know
The Mayflower Compact is largely regarded as the first document establishing a goverment on the continent of North America. Among other things, it promoted.....
Separation from England
If you don't work, you don't eat
I don't know
This poll was created on 2006-05-31 15:55:32 by Mr_Snuffalluffagus