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Is Homosex Right or Wrong?

The purpose here is to look at attitudes towards homosex in different age ranges. Also religious attitudes.
For those under 20 years old. What is your opinion on sexual relationships between persons of the same sex?
I think it is unnatural and morally wrong.
I don't know for sure if it has negative affects.
There is nothing wrong with it.
For those 20-29 years old. What is your opinion on sexual relationships between persons of the same sex?
I think it is unnatural and morally wrong.
I don't know for sure if it has negative affects.
There is nothing wrong with it.
For those 30-39 years old. What is your opinion on sexual relationships between persons of the same sex?
I think it is unnatural and morally wrong.
I don't know for sure if there are negative affects.
There is nothing wrong with it.
For those 40-59 years old. What is your opinion on sexual relationships between persons of the same sex?
I think it is unnatural and morally wrong.
I don't know for sure if there are negative affects.
There is nothing wrong with it.
For those 60+ years old. What is your opinion on sexual relationships between persons of the same sex?
I think it is unnatural and morally wrong.
I don't know for sure if there are negative affects.
There is nothing wrong with it.
Do you think that open homosexuality improves a society or has negative effects?
It improves society.
It does harm.
Does the bible prohibit homosexual acts?
I don't know.
If you believe in the theory of evolution, does homosexuality help us evolve?
Yes, homosexuality has contributed to our evolutionary development.
No, homosexuality is an evolutionary weak-link and dead-end.
Homosexuality is contrary by nature to our evolutionary progress and development.
If you believe that God created human beings, what would be His purpose in creating non-reproductive homosexuals?
God doesn't make mistakes, he didn't make homosexuals.
Ok, I give up, why would he make them?
Why do you think homosexuals are opposed to raising the age of consent?
Because they want sex with children to be legal.
Because they are concerned with the sexual rights of children.
Because they are perverts who prey upon helpless children.
This poll was created on 2006-07-07 17:56:27 by Boil