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Singing in the choir forever

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I sing treble in a boys choir. Ive been told about castrati and that I should become one. should I do it? It means you have to get castrated and have your balls removed but its got to be done before you get puberty or it dosnt work

Are you m or f

90% (117) m
9% (12) f

129 voters have answered this question.

what is your age

3% (5) under 11
3% (4) 11
9% (13) 12
1% (2) 13
11% (15) 14
12% (17) 15
6% (9) 16
3% (5) 17
2% (3) 18
12% (17) 19-25
7% (10) 25-30
23% (31) over 30

131 voters have answered this question.

do you think I should agree

71% (94) yes
28% (37) no

131 voters have answered this question.

if you was me what would you do

65% (85) go for it
26% (34) say no
8% (11) think about it a bit more

130 voters have answered this question.

do you know anyone who has done it

47% (62) yes
52% (68) no

130 voters have answered this question.

if you do were they glad they did it

50% (45) yes
20% (18) no
30% (27) not sure

90 voters have answered this question.

were they talked into it or was it there idea

37% (33) talked into it
14% (13) there idea
48% (43) bit of both

89 voters have answered this question.

where are you from

22% (29) UK
32% (42) US
22% (29) West Europe
9% (12) East Europe
3% (4) Down Under
1% (2) Asia
7% (10) Other

128 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-07-07 18:39:27 by Will Harvey
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