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Scotland, Independence and the Union

This poll is regarding the Union of Great Britain (and N.I), whether it holds any purpose in the modern age and people's opinions on independence movements in the "Celtic Fringe". This poll focuses on Scotland mostly.
What nationality are you?
Celtic other (e.g. Irish, Welsh)
Commonwealth (e.g. Australian, Canadian)
Other or mixed (e.g. English and Scottish)
What is your opinion of the Union?
Mostly good
Has its good/bad points just like any other country
Mostly bad
If "mostly good" why? (closest possible reason)
The union is a stabilising force between our nations (which feels like a family)
The union makes us economically successful
The union strengthens our position within Europe (and the world)
The union (together) acheived conquest of 1/4 of the world!
The union makes security issues easier to tackle (e.g. invasion)
The union seems natural given its long life
I like the Union Jack
If "mostly bad" why?
Westminster - undemocratic with out of date customs and practices
The Empire - and it's effects on native peoples across the globe
The Monarchy - archaic institution, riddiculous in a modern age
Ignores regional and cultural differences
All of the above
Is Britain effectively England?
Should Scotland have independence if it so wishes?
don't know
If yes, what form should it take?
complete independence - changing currency (possibly to the euro) and renouncing royal line
interdependence - maintain the pound, monarchy but have own parliament and representatives at world events
If a referendum was called tomorrow (for those living in Scotland) for independence, how would you vote?
Vote for independence
Vote for continual membership of the UK
Don't know
If you currently vote for the SNP (in Scotland), is it for the main issue of independence?
No, they have other important policies
I don't vote for them because of their independence stance
Finally (for all), if you support Scottish independence, how about Welsh independence or Irish reunification - Northern Ireland rejoining the Republic -(if it were requested by the populations)?
Yes to both
No to both
Yes to Welsh indepence ONLY
Yes to Irish reunification ONLY
Also, what did you think of this poll?
good - constitutional issues need to be debated
bad - calling the union into question only weakens it
don't know
This poll was created on 2006-07-19 16:23:28 by Lambert