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some questions for you males!

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a quick yes or no poll mainly anyway, for guys only, about crush type stuff.

do you guys ever form crushes on a girl that you just see everyday without actuall knowing her?

78% (25) yes
21% (7) no

32 voters have answered this question.

do you form crushes on a girl you totally dot know just cuz you thought she was pretty?

59% (19) yes
40% (13) no

32 voters have answered this question.

since you've never met this girl but had a crush just cuz you thought she was pretty do you think about her a lot still, even though you only watch her not actually know her?

57% (15) yes
42% (11) no

26 voters have answered this question.

what about developing a major crush on a girl youve never met just watched all the time?

37% (11) yes
62% (18) no

29 voters have answered this question.

is it true, that when you like a girl you think about her every night before falling a sleep?

41% (13) yes
9% (3) no
22% (7) sometimes not really though
25% (8) most of the time but not to much of the time

31 voters have answered this question.

If you like a girl(who've you never met)and school let out do you think about her during summer?

75% (22) yes
24% (7) no

29 voters have answered this question.

is it true that when a guy likes a girl he'll play fight?

51% (15) yes
48% (14) no

29 voters have answered this question.

so if a guy asks if your ticklish then continues to tickle you a lot and he hardly knows you, is he flirting and likes her?

65% (19) sounds like it
24% (7) no
10% (3) yes
0% (0) just being friendly

29 voters have answered this question.

if you said no, how about if he only did it to one girl? Does he like her?

68% (15) yes
31% (7) no

22 voters have answered this question.


48% (15) under 15
29% (9) 15-17
16% (5) 18-25
6% (2) 30+

31 voters have answered this question.


100% (31) male
0% (0) female(please dont take)

31 voters have answered this question.

when looking at a girl, just cuz shes quite do you assume shes shy?

23% (7) no
10% (3) yes
66% (20) it depends on how quite

30 voters have answered this question.

if you picked it depends, then what if she hardly talked, would you think shes shy?

40% (10) yeah now i do
24% (6) yes
32% (8) no, it doesnt mean anything
4% (1) naw

25 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-08-31 00:31:34 by Jodeci
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