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The Ultimate American Idol Poll (season six)

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We all know which of them can sing but which of them do you think will win?

Which singer do you WANT to win American Idol?

71% (76) Jordin Sparks
28% (30) Blake Lewis

106 voters have answered this question.

Which of these singers do you THINK will win?

86% (93) Jordin Sparks
13% (15) Blake Lewis

108 voters have answered this question.

Check off the names of all the Singers you like?

38% (41) Gina Glocksen
24% (26) Haley Scarnato
75% (81) Jordin Sparks
47% (51) Lakisha Jones
68% (73) Melinda Doolittle
22% (24) Stephanie Edwards
58% (63) Blake Lewis
13% (14) Brandon Rogers
37% (40) Chris Richardson
19% (21) Chris Sligh
33% (36) Phil Stacey
11% (12) Sanjaya Malakar

107 voters have answered this question.

Which of them do you have a crush on?

3% (3) Gina Glocksen
16% (16) Haley Scarnato
12% (12) Jordin Sparks
1% (1) Lakisha Jones
1% (1) Melinda Doolittle
3% (3) Stephanie Edwards
19% (19) Blake Lewis
15% (15) Chris Richardson
1% (1) Chris Sligh
1% (1) Phil Stacey
5% (5) Sanjaya Malakar
23% (23) None

100 voters have answered this question.

Which do you think would be most likely to come back next year if they don't win?

15% (15) Gina Glocksen
11% (11) Haley Scarnato
4% (4) Jordin Sparks
4% (4) Lakisha Jones
12% (12) Melinda Doolittle
4% (4) Stephanie Edwards
14% (14) Blake Lewis
3% (3) Brandon Rogers
3% (3) Chris Richardson
4% (4) Chris Sligh
6% (6) Phil Stacey
19% (19) Sanjaya Malakar

99 voters have answered this question.

Which is your favorite girl?

61% (64) Jordin
28% (30) Melinda
9% (10) Lakisha

104 voters have answered this question.

Which guy is your favorite?

61% (62) Blake
7% (8) Sanjaya
16% (17) Chris
13% (14) Phil

101 voters have answered this question.

What is your age range?

2% (3) -10
72% (75) 10-20
12% (13) 20-30
3% (4) 30-40
5% (6) 40-50
1% (2) 50-60
0% (1) 60+

104 voters have answered this question.

What gender are you?

44% (45) Female
55% (57) Male

102 voters have answered this question.

Who is the best entertainer?

14% (15) Melinda
19% (20) Jordin
60% (63) Blake
6% (7) Lakisha

105 voters have answered this question.

Who's songs are the most emotional?

53% (56) Jordin
3% (4) Blake
22% (23) Melinda
20% (21) Lakisha

104 voters have answered this question.

Who will sell the most records?

55% (58) Jordin
16% (17) Melinda
2% (3) Lakisha
22% (24) Blake
0% (1) Chris
1% (2) Phil

105 voters have answered this question.

Who do you want to see face off in the final 2?

48% (51) Jordin and Blake
28% (30) Jordin and Melinda
7% (8) Blake and Jordin
3% (4) Blake and Melinda
3% (4) Melinda and Blake
7% (8) Melinda and Jordin

105 voters have answered this question.

Which 2 do you THINK will face off in the final 2?

74% (80) Jordin and Blake
16% (18) Jordin and Melinda
12% (13) Blake and Jordin
4% (5) Blake and Melinda
1% (2) Melinda and Blake
9% (10) Melinda and Jordin

107 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-03-10 04:55:37 by leftrightleft
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