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Family you miss

I don't see my family very often and when i do i don't see them all. When we have get togethers it is something special to me. But there are certain people in my family that i haven't seen since three years ago in 2009 and i am very fond of them. Is there anyone special in your family you miss with all your heart?

Are you male or female?

66% (8) Male
33% (4) Female

12 voters have answered this question.

How old are you? (Not being rude)

0% (0) Under 12
0% (0) 12
16% (2) 13
8% (1) 14
0% (0) 15
0% (0) 16
8% (1) 17
58% (7) 18+
8% (1) I'd rather not tell you

12 voters have answered this question.

Who is it that you miss?

8% (1) Neighbor
25% (3) Friend
16% (2) Parent
25% (3) Sibling
8% (1) Grandparent
8% (1) Cousin
8% (1) Boyfriend/Girlfriend
0% (0) Other

12 voters have answered this question.

What would you do if or when you see them again?

50% (6) Hug them
8% (1) Kiss them
8% (1) Cry
16% (2) Tell them how much I missed them
8% (1) Scream with joy
0% (0) Be too shy to do anything
8% (1) Nothing
0% (0) Other

12 voters have answered this question.

What do you miss about them?

25% (3) Funny
25% (3) Sweet
33% (4) Kind
25% (3) Hospitable
25% (3) Understanding
41% (5) Caring
33% (4) Cute
41% (5) Playful
33% (4) Other

12 voters have answered this question.

If other, what do you miss about them? (Your welcome to answer this through messaging as i cant seem to read it in the results)

No graph available for this question

0 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-12-21 16:16:42 by lollylou
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