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Popular Movie Series Poll(Such as LOTR,Star Wars,POTC,HP,etc

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I will simply ask you questions and give you choices having to do with popular movie series.

Favorite mega popular movie series out of these?

27% (68) Star Wars
26% (66) Lord of the Rings
27% (69) Harry Potter
6% (17) Spider-Man
10% (27) Pirates of the Carribean

247 voters have answered this question.

Favorite Star Wars?

14% (31) New Hope
18% (40) Empire Strikes Back
22% (50) Return of the Jedi
6% (14) Phantom Menace
7% (16) Attack of the Clones
31% (70) Revenge of the Sith

221 voters have answered this question.

Favorite Lord of the Rings?

32% (74) Fellowship of the Ring
25% (59) The Two Towers
41% (94) Return of the King

227 voters have answered this question.

Favorite main male charectar?

5% (14) Luke SkyWalker
7% (18) Han Solo
4% (11) Anakin
9% (25) Obi-Wan
2% (6) Frodo Baggins
12% (32) Aragorn
7% (19) Gandalf
8% (22) Harry Potter
4% (11) Ron Weasley
4% (11) Peter Parker
28% (72) Captain Jack Sparrow
4% (11) Will Turner

252 voters have answered this question.

Favorite main female charectar?

13% (38) Princess Leia
18% (52) Padme Amadala
6% (19) Arwin
48% (135) Hermione
2% (8) Mary Jane
9% (27) Elizabeth Swan

279 voters have answered this question.

Worst popular film series out of these?

13% (33) Star Wars
13% (31) Lord of the Rings
16% (39) Harry Potter
44% (104) Spider-Man
12% (29) Pirates of the Carribean

236 voters have answered this question.

Favorite couple?

17% (41) Han Solo and Leia
17% (41) Anakin and Padme
21% (51) Aragorn and Arwin
17% (41) Ron and Hermione
8% (21) Peter and Mary Jane
10% (24) Will and Elizabeth
8% (21) Jack and Elizabeth

240 voters have answered this question.

Most annoying main star wars charectar?

26% (58) Anakin
7% (16) Obi-Wan
16% (35) Padme
14% (32) Han Solo
13% (29) Luke Skywalker
21% (47) Princess Leia

217 voters have answered this question.

Mosy annoying main LOTR charectar?

26% (55) Frodo(don't even think about picking him -.-)
3% (8) Aragorn
3% (8) Gandalf
10% (22) Gimli
4% (10) Legolas
10% (22) Sam Wise
9% (20) Merry
14% (30) Pippin
15% (31) Arwin

206 voters have answered this question.

Most annoying main POTC charectar?

17% (37) Will
8% (17) Jack
15% (32) Elizabeth
47% (100) Norrington
12% (26) Barbosa

212 voters have answered this question.

Best looking male actor in the films?

14% (31) Hayden Christensen
6% (13) Ewan Mcgregor
9% (21) Harrison Ford
3% (7) Elijah Wood
9% (21) Viggo Mortensen
21% (46) Orlando Bloom
27% (58) Johnny Depp
5% (12) Daniel Radcliffe
0% (2) Tobey Macguire

211 voters have answered this question.

Best looking female actress in the films?

23% (62) Natalie Portman
1% (3) Carrie Fisher
11% (32) Liv Tyler
43% (117) Emma Watson
3% (10) Kirsten Dunst
16% (45) Keira Knightly

269 voters have answered this question.

Worst looking actor in the films?

5% (11) Hayden Christensen
9% (19) Ewan Mcgregor
8% (17) Harrison Ford
11% (24) Elijah Wood(don't pick it..)
4% (9) Viggo Mortensen
3% (8) Orlando Bloom
7% (15) Johnny Depp
24% (51) Daniel Radcliffe
25% (53) Tobey Macguire

207 voters have answered this question.

Worst looking actress in the films?

5% (13) Natalie Portman
32% (70) Carrie Fisher
12% (27) Liv Tyler
7% (17) Emma Watson
29% (64) Kirsten Dunst
12% (27) Keira Knightly

218 voters have answered this question.

Did you like this poll?

37% (85) Yes!! It was so fun!!
8% (20) No way. dull.
12% (28) Yeah,but I would have had more questions..
4% (11) Yeah,but I would've had less questions..
36% (82) It was ok.

226 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-08-10 17:18:31 by Maccagirl
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