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What does this mean?(guys)

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so just wondering if you guys could help me out on these.

why do you (when you like a girl) stare at her so much?

70% (17) cuz shes soo pretty.
16% (4) hoping shell see you looking at her.
12% (3) challenging her to see what she'll do next.
0% (0) staring off into space actually.

24 voters have answered this question.

when staring at her what are you thinking about?

4% (1) how much you want some.
37% (9) how bad you want her.
45% (11) wondering how she's like.
12% (3) thinkng of what to do next.

24 voters have answered this question.

you stare at her all the time and so much, could that mean...

50% (12) you want to be her boyfriend.
33% (8) you wouldnt mind kissing her since you stare so much.
16% (4) or you dont even know,your just staring?

24 voters have answered this question.

when looking at her, what exactly are you looking at?

82% (19) her overall face.
17% (4) her eyes.
0% (0) her lips.
0% (0) her eyebrows dude.

23 voters have answered this question.

why do you turn away fast when caught staring?

52% (12) cuz i didnt know what to do at that moment.
26% (6) cuz i was so surprised she caught me.
17% (4) even though i was caught, mabe she didnt see me.
4% (1) i was flexing my neck.

23 voters have answered this question.

so say i caught you staring and you had this look in your eyes while staring into my eyes, explain that.

18% (4) i was thinking about getting in that.
50% (11) i was thinking how beautiful she was.
18% (4) i was thinking deeply about her.(like say...us together?)
13% (3) i was that focused on her looks i had a look in my eye.
0% (0) im not even sure why it happened.

22 voters have answered this question.

when looking at your crush seeing her minding her own life ya know, then you look sad as you look at her then look somewhere else. why do you do this?

54% (12) cuz i wish she had the same feelings i have for her.
13% (3) shes not paying attention so im a little bummed about that.
31% (7) your sad she doesnt appear to like you back the same.
0% (0) you were just happening to be thinking about something serious while looking at her.

22 voters have answered this question.

when looking into her eyes, why does it seem like your staring and its hard to look away?

54% (12) because i like her.
18% (4) because i like her eyes.
13% (3) because im wondering why shes staring at me.
13% (3) i cant keep my eyes off of her, shes hott!!

22 voters have answered this question.

how old are you?

42% (9) 14-16
14% (3) 17-19
19% (4) 20-25
4% (1) 30-34
4% (1) 40+(get out now!)
14% (3) under 14

21 voters have answered this question.

male or female?

91% (21) male
8% (2) female

23 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-08-12 03:37:52 by Jodeci
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