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Workplace Punishment

Recently my boss (Male-32) has started hitting me with a ruler for each and every small mistakes I do at work and more strangely he orders me to keep my hands raised up while he takes turns walking around me, reciting my mistakes of the day & hits me hard after each one. Mostly he hits around my legs but he has sometimes hit me on belly and my back too. Though its not very painful, it feels too awkward & humiliating in that position. Anybody had similar experience? I am 20 & cant quit the job right away.

Have you experienced physical punishments at workplace?

56% (45) Yes
40% (32) No
2% (2) Cant Say

79 voters have answered this question.

Do all physical punishments mean sexual harrasment

20% (16) Yes
79% (63) No

79 voters have answered this question.

Is my punishment fair?

71% (55) Yes
28% (22) No

77 voters have answered this question.

Should I suggest him body parts to punish instead of randomly beating up my whole body?

74% (59) Yes
25% (20) No

79 voters have answered this question.

If Yes, what should I suggest?

4% (3) Palms
0% (0) hands
1% (1) back
2% (2) legs
5% (4) back of thighs
85% (58) Buttock

68 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-06-28 20:07:18 by Divya_Shree
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