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What does a girl look for in a guy?Teenage Girls only

a poll about what girls want in a guy

How tall should the guy be?

1% (4) 4'6''-or shorter
7% (16) 5'
51% (113) 5'6''
38% (85) 6''-or taller

218 voters have answered this question.

What color hair should he have?

40% (116) dark brown
23% (67) light brown
14% (41) blonde
21% (62) black

286 voters have answered this question.

What kind of jeans look better

28% (56) Sorta tight jeans
72% (144) Loose jeans

200 voters have answered this question.

What kind of hair style?

51% (117) Regular short
23% (54) Regular Long
21% (50) Kinda long
3% (8) Long(shoulders)

229 voters have answered this question.

Overall Atitude?

62% (169) Funny
13% (36) Serious
9% (26) Cocky
14% (40) Really Smart

271 voters have answered this question.

How old are you(be serious)

0% (1) 10 or younger
3% (7) 11
4% (8) 12
14% (27) 13
19% (38) 14
25% (48) 15
32% (62) 16 or older

191 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-11-22 01:34:22 by Atv821
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