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Here are some questions, i need an idea of what guys really think sexually.

what does it really take for you to want to be intamate with a girl?

25% (9) she has to be pretty
0% (0) she has to look like a model
58% (21) her personality
16% (6) She has to be hot

36 voters have answered this question.

Does the girl have to be hot for you to feel a sexual attraction?

44% (16) yes
55% (20) no

36 voters have answered this question.

Say you dont know this girl you just see her around, and you think she has a pretty face but she's not "hot". would you feel a sexual attraction anyway?

44% (16) yes
25% (9) no
5% (2) no she has to be bangin!
25% (9) a pretty face is enough for me

36 voters have answered this question.

Do you consider a girl's eyes to be sexy?

2% (1) yeah the shape
11% (4) yeah the color
58% (21) the way she looks at me yeah
27% (10) no i don't think about it

36 voters have answered this question.

If you stare at a girl a lot could that mean your attracted to her in that way?

62% (22) yeah
5% (2) no shes just pretty
17% (6) yeah shes so pretty she turns me on
14% (5) naw, i don't get into all that

35 voters have answered this question.

If your a guy that stares at a girl a lot and been caught checkin her out, what could that mean?

34% (12) i'm sexually attracted
22% (8) she's hot
14% (5) she turns me on
28% (10) i like looking at her

35 voters have answered this question.

if a girl is quiet do you automatically assume she's shy?

8% (3) yeah if shes quiet she must be shy?
80% (28) it depends on the way she acts she could be just quiet.
11% (4) she must not have much to say

35 voters have answered this question.

if your staring at a girl with a certain look in your eyes, is that somethin sexual goin on?

35% (12) yeah she caught me
14% (5) no i was thinking deeply
2% (1) yeah it was that sexual i had a look in my eyes
38% (13) i'm just wondering about her, im that interested in her
8% (3) it wasnt anything really

34 voters have answered this question.

could you want to do it with a girl just for her being pretty?

48% (17) yeah shes that cute
31% (11) no she's gotta have it
20% (7) i dont know

35 voters have answered this question.

If you like a girl you see everydaybut you never met her before do you still think about her a lot?

55% (19) oh yea
35% (12) no not as much
5% (2) so much it's crazy!
2% (1) i do but not as much as girls do

34 voters have answered this question.

do you dream about your crush?

71% (25) yes
28% (10) no

35 voters have answered this question.

if so, how often?

25% (8) all the time
25% (8) not much
18% (6) never
31% (10) a few times

32 voters have answered this question.

do guys have fantasies about their crushes?

68% (24) yes
8% (3) no
20% (7) i dont know
2% (1) all the time

35 voters have answered this question.

even if you guys are happy and joking around with your friends sre you still thinking about your crush and missing her in the inside?

40% (14) yeah i basically put on a mask
22% (8) no
37% (13) not all the time but sometimes

35 voters have answered this question.


13% (5) 16
52% (19) under 15
19% (7) over 16
13% (5) over 20

36 voters have answered this question.


97% (34) guy
2% (1) girl(please look at results)

35 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-10-31 01:45:00 by Jodeci
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