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Pentium 4 vs. Core 2 Duo

Thinking about upgrading. So I'm wondering what you would get yourself:

What processor would you choose (all cost about the same):

17% (144) P4 661 3.6 GHz
7% (59) PD 940 3.2 GHz
75% (633) C2D E6300 1.86 GHz

836 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that Core 2 Duos are overpriced at the moment:

50% (401) No, they are reasonably priced.
30% (242) Yes, they are overpriced, but they are worth the extra cash.
19% (153) Yes, they are overpriced and not worth buying at the moment.

796 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-10-09 01:07:28 by ice_724637@yahoo.com
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