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Would you support Sunday legislation?

This poll is to see whether or not most people would support the passage of Sunday legislation.
Would you support passage of legislation that required mandatory observance of Sunday as a day of worship?
If you answered "no" to question one, would you comply with a national Sunday law if there were severe penalties imposed for not doing so?
I would support national Sunday legislation because (check all that apply):
I believe that Sunday is the day to worship.
I think it would help the nation get back to God.
I would go along with it to avoid penalties.
I would not support Sunday legislation.
I would not support Sunday legislation because (check all that apply):
I believe that Saturday is the Sabbath day.
I believe in the freedom to worship as one chooses
I do not believe in mixing politics and religion.
I would support Sunday legislation.
This poll was created on 2006-10-29 00:30:55 by canyoncat