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Final Fantasy Characters when their older

What would Final Fantasy characters most likely be doing if they were a around 10-15 older.
What would Cloud Strife most likely be doing 10 years after FFAC(movie).
He would be in a little shack hidden away from the rest of the world still mourning about the loss of Aeries
He would of finally realised that its time to cheer up and think that Aeries is always watching over him and waiting for him
He would of married Tifa had children and lived in a big house (sorry Aeries)
What would Squall most likely be doing 10 years after defeating ultimecia.
He would be the headmaster of Balamb Garden and vice president of Esthar city
He would refuse to have children with Rinoa because his to uptight
He would be married to Rinoa with kids and live in a peaceful place far from any interruptions
What would Zidane most likely be doing 10 after defeating Necron/Kuja.
He would of built a huge kingdom for all the genomes and been the king there
He would Marry Garnet/Dagger and be the king of Alexandria had kids and lived a happy life
He would start a new group way larger then Tantalus and travel the world stealing the rarest treasures
What would Siefer Almasy most likely be doing 10 years after the defeat of Ultimecia.
He would of straitened himself out and been the second in command (after Squall) to lead Balamb Garden
He would grab Fuijin and Raijin built a massive new garden and challenge his rival squall to an ultimate deathmatch
He would of settled down with someone and lived a long and happy life
What would Vincent Valentine be doing 10 years after the FFAC(movie).
He would of revived Lucrecia and lived a great long life
He would be the new leader of the turks and track down any bad guy's causing the world trouble
He would still be with the FF7 crew/team taking care of new threats all the time
He would be with that girl Shelke(from FF dirge of cerberus) having a happy life (is it just me or did Shelke seem to like Vincent)
What would Sephiroth be doing 10 years after FFAC(movie).
He would of realised that cloud and the others are to strong and joined them to save the world against a new threat
He would track down his clone do a 'fusion' with it and become the most powerful warrior and destroy everthing
He would find his mother Jenova team up with Kadaj,Loz,Yazoo and come up with the ultimate plan to finally destroy the planet or complete the reunion
Isn't he already dead
What did you think of my quiz.
I liked it alot
It was creative
It was oveflowing with words i got dizzy
This poll was created on 2007-03-23 18:25:45 by trance-griever