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Is South Park's humour moral?
What do you think of South Park's humour?
It is too vulgar/juvenile for me, as I am a typical English gentleman. (continue to sip your tea)
It's quite funny sometimes
It's awesome!
It's simply the best!!! To Hell with The Simpsons! (slap a friend who disagrees, and pee on his collection of The Simpsons DVDs)
Do you think that the South Park style of making fun of celebrities is moral?
Definetely not! And abortion and smoking should be banned too!
I do not care. A gentleman does not even watch such tastless television shows.
I think it's okay, but sometimes South Park goes too far to become insulting.
Yeah! Celebrities are there purely for our entertainment!
What do you think of the swearing(cursing) and randoms deaths?
Oh, how horrible! I feel like crying... wah! wah! wah!
Oh dear, such obscene contents of South Park do not complement my gentlemanly manners at all!
They're quite pointless.
They're fine, but I don't find them funny all the time.
They are awesome!!!
Is it okay for South Park to make fun of religion?
No, and the creators of South Park with burn in Hell and suffer excruciationg pains for all eternity.
I don't think South Park IS making fun of religion, rather, it is teaching us morals in life.
I don't realy care! South Park is funny!
Yeah! who watches TV shows which actually praise religions any way!
Overall, is South Park moral?
Never!!! I am a member of the Anti South Park Organisation!
I don't think so!
Not really.
I don't give a crap! Who cares about right and wrong? South Park is just a good TV show.
Yes it is, and it has taught me great lessons in life.
Do you like this poll? (If you do, you might like my other poll ALTERNATIVE STAR WARS ACTORS)
Definetely, I love your other poll as well! You should make more polls!
It's okay.
No, a gentleman does not vote in pathetic polls made about vulgar television shows.
Nope, and by the way I hate your other Star Wars poll as well.
This poll was created on 2006-11-04 07:24:24 by FrogOnRock