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Pin the tail on the donkey

This poll is about any time you remember playing pin the tail on the donkey, or similar such as Pin the Nose on the Clown.
On your most recent time, what was used to blindfold you?
Hands over eyes
Cardboard mask
Fabric mask
Keeping eyes closed
How well could you see when you had been blindfolded?
Nothing at all
A bit of light
Out of the bottom of the blindfold
Well enough to cheat
Were you spun round?
How close were you?
Spot on
Nowhere near
Close enough to win
If you played again and someone didn't blindfold you properly, what would you do?
Ask them to blindfold me properly
Close my eyes
Cheat, but try to look as if you can't see (hesitating, trying to get close enough to win, but not too close)
Cheat blatantly
Do you like playing the game of pin the tail?
Yes, it's good for a laugh
Yes, because I like being blindfolded
No, because it's stupid
No, because it's hard to win
No, because I don't like being blindfolded
It's just a game, I am neutral towards it
Have you hosted the game?
Yes, for children
Yes, for adults
If you host the game, how would you check the players can't see?
Try to peer under their blindfold
I'm not too worried, it's just a game
Wave my hands in front of their covered eyes
Make sure I use a good blindfold
Ask them if they can see
This poll was created on 2013-12-18 09:45:09 by Battty