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That Annoying TV Scroll

For the last couple of years popular networks and newscasts have been putting that scroll on the bottom of your TV. The networks didn't ask your permission and keep adding more and more annoying, destracting and repeatitive junk. You are now on information overload . It's frustrating to deal with popups on the internet but the TV scroll has gone too far. TV was ment to sit back and relax, espically for your eyes and mind. Please let me know what you think.
Do you find the scroll on the bottom of your TV annoying?
Yes, I find it annoying
No, I don't find it annoying
It doesn't bother me
Would you pay $5.00 for a product that gets rid of that scroll?
Yes, I would
No, I would not
How many TV's do you have in your home?
1 TV
2 TV's
3 TV's
4 or more TV's
This poll was created on 2006-11-18 13:15:55 by vinnyb