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High School Teachers that paddle students

I am doing a paper on corporal punishment in high school. I am an adult high school student and it is a big topic in the school district and state right now. I would like as many responses and comments as I could get. This is for high school teachers only please, and please be serious.
Are you a high school teacher or adminstrator
Assistant Principal
Are you male or female?
Does your school allow corporal punishment?
Yes, with certain guidelines that must be followed
Do you paddle students?
Yes, after other alternatives have been used
Yes, with certain behavior
I used to paddle students, but don't anymore
No, I have never paddled students
Where do you paddle your students most often?
In the hall outside the classroom
In the teachers lounge
In the classroom with students watching
In the principal office only
What type of paddle do you use the most?
Wood no holes
Wood with holes
A leather strap
A plastic paddle
Who do you paddle the most?
Boys mostly
Girls mostly
Boys and Girls are about equal
What are the usual amount of swats you give?
5 or more
Since being a teacher how many paddlings have you adminstator?
5 or less
50 or more
How do most of students act after the paddling?
There fine
In a little pain
Hold there butts afterwards
Some tears
Does it improve their behavior?
It always improve their behavior
Sometimes improves it
Never seems to work with behavior
How do you feel before admistrating a paddling?
I am fine with it.
I am nervous before it, fine after it.
I am scared I will hurt them to bad.
I am a little nervous and scared.
Before the paddling is administrated, do you instruct the student on how to stand, hold still and explain how many licks they are going to get.
Yes, always for the safety of student
Sometime, if I have time
If the student has back pockets do you
Put your hand in the pocket to empty it
Have the student to empty back pockets
Leave whatever is in back pocket
If the student has a high heal shoe or boots on do you
Make them take their shoes off
Let them leave their shoes on
Tell them to becareful and not turn ankle
Do you paddle boys or girls harder
Paddle them the same
Depends on the size of student
Have you ever been accused of brusing or injuring a students butt
Yes a few times
Yes but only once
No I have never been accused of it
Have you ever had a lawsuit against you for paddling a student?
Yes, one time
Yes, more than one
No, never
Have you looked at a students bottom afterward to make sure it is not bruised.
I always do
I have some, but not much
I have once or twice
Never have
How long have you been teaching
1 year only
2-5 years
6-10 years
10 or more
What is your age group, important question to see what age group seem to paddle more.
50 or older
What is the oldest student you have paddle.
older than 19 please explain
Last question, do you feel that the adult high schools that is ran by school board should allow paddling if student agrees as a alternative discipline. And if you taught ahs would you paddle.
Yes if they agreed
Only in extreme cases
Only up to a certain age
NO never
I would paddle adult high school students
I would not paddle adult high school students.
This poll was created on 2007-08-07 18:24:39 by lcc1