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GIRLS Sharing a room with your sibling

This is for GIRLS that have shared a room with a sibling growing up.

You are a girl, right?

98% (322) Yes
1% (4) No (LEAVE)

326 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

3% (12) 10 or younger
43% (142) 11-15
34% (113) 16-21
13% (45) 22-35
4% (14) Older than 35

326 voters have answered this question.

Did you share a room with a sibling growing up?

99% (325) Yes
0% (1) No (Leave the poll please)

326 voters have answered this question.

What gender was the sibling?

35% (115) Girl
64% (211) Boy

326 voters have answered this question.

If you shared it with your sister, how did you guys change clothes?

3% (12) Went into the bathroom to change
2% (7) Went under the covers on your bed
4% (15) Made the other person turn the other way or not look
53% (174) Did it out in the open
43% (141) I didn't share my room with my sister

326 voters have answered this question.

If you shared it with your sister, did you guys care about seeing each other naked?

1% (4) Yes, we always made sure to not see each other
6% (21) It was kind of awkward, but if we saw it was no big deal
49% (160) We didn't mind at all, it was very nonchalant
43% (141) I didn't share my room with my sister

326 voters have answered this question.

If you shared it with your brother, how did you guys change clothes?

9% (31) Went into the bathroom to change
3% (13) Went under the covers on your bed
9% (30) Made the other person turn the other way or not look
62% (203) Did it out in the open
28% (94) I didn't share my room with my brother

326 voters have answered this question.

If you shared it with your brother, did you guys care about seeing each other naked?

2% (7) Yes, we always made sure to not see each other
5% (18) It was kind of awkward, but if we saw it was no big deal
20% (68) We didn't mind at all, it was very nonchalant
23% (77) We liked it
19% (62) We tried to see each other naked
28% (94) I didn't share my room with my brother

326 voters have answered this question.

When you were going through puberty, did you and your sibling ever "inspect" each others pubic areas due to curiosity?

57% (187) Yes, with my brother
28% (92) Yes, with my sister
14% (47) No

326 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-04-14 02:40:17 by bTek62
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