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The DC Direct KINGDOM COME Action Figure Poll

We've already got a lot of KC action figures out of DCD but there's still a few characters from the legendary miniseries that fans are demanding! I culled the 20 mosta sked for figures out of a thread on the DCD board and here's the list" vote for ONLY the figures you'd MOST like to buy!
Pick the KC characters you'd MOST want to buy from the following (remember, these are the KINGDOM COME versions!):
Oliver Queen - Green Arrow
Black Canary III
Power Woman
Aquaman II
The Ray
Captain Atom
Von Bach
Wildcat III
Catwoman II
Hourman II (or is it III?)
Captain Comet
Lady Marvel
Clark Kent (prologue)
Bruce Wayne
Donna Troy
GA Red Tornado (in armor)
This poll was created on 2006-11-28 02:44:35 by Jim Beard