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Jerking off (guys only)


99% (353) Male
0% (1) Female (end of poll for you)

354 voters have answered this question.

Age (please state exact age)

5% (20) 12 or under
22% (81) 13-15
24% (86) 16-18
12% (44) 19-21
7% (28) 22-25
6% (23) 26-30
20% (72) 31+

354 voters have answered this question.

Sexual orientation

33% (118) Straight
30% (107) Straight but curious
16% (59) Bisexual
16% (60) Gay
0% (2) Transexual
0% (1) Asexual
1% (7) Other

354 voters have answered this question.

Do you jerk off?

98% (349) Yes
1% (5) No (end of poll for you)

354 voters have answered this question.

How often do you jerk off?

31% (113) Once a day
31% (112) Twice a day
17% (61) 3 times a day
13% (48) More than 3 times a day
9% (33) Every other day
20% (71) 2 or 3 times a week
1% (7) Once a week
1% (4) A few times a month
0% (0) Once a month
0% (3) Less than once a month

354 voters have answered this question.

Where do you jerk off?

87% (309) Bed
51% (182) Computer
34% (123) Somewhere else in my room
61% (216) Shower
48% (170) Toilet
20% (74) Elsewhere in the bathroom
9% (34) Lounge
17% (63) Car
29% (106) Public restroom (stall/cubicle)
10% (38) Public restroom (elsewhere)
23% (82) School
9% (32) Work
11% (42) Other (please state)

354 voters have answered this question.

Where is your favorite place to beat your meat?

No graph available for this question

355 voters have answered this question.

How long does a typical jerking off session last?

0% (1) Less than 1 minute
2% (8) 1-2 minutes
10% (36) 3-4 minutes
12% (43) 5-6 minutes
7% (28) 7-8 minutes
15% (54) 9-10 minutes
5% (18) 11-12 minutes
12% (43) 13-15 minutes
9% (35) 16-20 minutes
24% (88) 21+ minutes

354 voters have answered this question.

When do you jerk off?

41% (147) As soon as you wake up
31% (113) During the morning
21% (76) Noon/lunchtime
39% (140) During afternoon
35% (124) Early evening
42% (151) Late evening
47% (169) Night before getting into bed
53% (189) Just before going to sleep
11% (39) Other (please state)

354 voters have answered this question.

Describe your masturbation technique(s)

No graph available for this question

355 voters have answered this question.

Do you finger your bum while you beat off? Why/why not?

3% (14) Yes, every time
27% (98) Yes, sometimes
24% (85) Yes, rarely
44% (157) No

354 voters have answered this question.

Do you look at porn when you jerk off? If so, what kind?

30% (109) Yes, every time
51% (183) Yes, sometimes
7% (28) Yes, rarely
9% (34) No, never

354 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever jerked off with someone else?

60% (213) Yes
39% (141) No

354 voters have answered this question.

If you did, who was it with? What did you do with them? Did you enjoy it?

No graph available for this question

177 voters have answered this question.

Tell me about the best time you jerked off

No graph available for this question

355 voters have answered this question.

Why do you jerk off?

No graph available for this question

355 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-05-26 19:49:10 by Luke17
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