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nudist family

Hi my name is kyler and I am a young kid who has come into a different styleof living. Recently my parents talked to me and my two other siblings about becoming 0nudist and moving to a nudist camp. Well right now we are in trial phase, mom and dad startinggoing nude . So have lately i have been naked at the home. My sibs have started to go nude

Have you ever thought about becoming a nudist

23% (107) Girl
76% (339) Boy

446 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been naked at home with family

85% (379) Yes
14% (62) No

441 voters have answered this question.

Is having your children nude at home reguardlesd of age ok.

93% (418) Yes
6% (28) No

446 voters have answered this question.

Is having your children nude at home reguardlesd of gender ok.

95% (425) Its ok
5% (24) Totally wrong

446 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-06-06 07:23:47 by kyler york
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