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Boys dressing smartly

Following previous polls on a similar subject, but all a couple of years old and no longer provoking discussion, I thought I'd ask parents of teenage boys and teenagers themselves what they think about dressing smartly, both at school or at home. I am in my twenties now but when I was in my teens my parents imposed a strict dress code on me and my brother in order to instill discipline in us and give us more respect. Our school already had a frightfully strict dress code for boys (more on this in another poll) but at home they also forbade us from wearing jeans, trainers, t shirts or any other 'street' clothing. Collared shirts, blazers and ties were the order for any social occasion, and we were always in suits for Sundays or any other special occasion. Please leave any details/opinions or discussions as well as voting! Thank you!

Firstly, do you think parents should have any say on what their 16 year old son wears when not at school?

28% (59) No, not at all, a 16-year old should be able to wear what he wants, when he wants.
13% (27) No, provided he's not really scruffy!
18% (38) Yes, but only at 'formal' events, not on a day to day basis
40% (83) Yes, they should always have an input

207 voters have answered this question.

Whether or not you think parents should have a say, what do you think is appropriate clothing for a well-brought up young man, for the following activities? Firstly, a wedding?

9% (20) 1. Very casual: t-shirt, jeans etc.
4% (9) 2. Casual, jeans: open shirt, not trainers
23% (48) 3. Smart-casual: chinos/smarter trousers, collared shirt and tie, jacket or blazer, smart shoes
41% (85) 4. Smart: formal suit, collar and tie, polished shoes
20% (43) 5. Very smart: dinner suit(tuxedo) or morning suit(tailcoat or similar), stiff collar etc

205 voters have answered this question.

...for a smart family gathering, eg. christening etc. (Same responses as previous question)

11% (24) 1.
11% (24) 2.
28% (58) 3.
37% (76) 4.
9% (19) 5.

201 voters have answered this question.

...for a meal in a restaurant?

23% (47) 1.
26% (54) 2.
23% (47) 3.
19% (40) 4.
6% (13) 5.

201 voters have answered this question.

...Sunday church (or other religious service)?

13% (26) 1.
16% (33) 2.
27% (54) 3.
36% (71) 4.
6% (13) 5.

197 voters have answered this question.

...their own birthday party?

45% (93) 1.
20% (41) 2.
15% (31) 3.
9% (19) 4.
9% (19) 5.

203 voters have answered this question.

...visiting grandparents for lunch?

35% (72) 1.
26% (53) 2.
15% (32) 3.
15% (32) 4.
6% (13) 5.

202 voters have answered this question.

...just hanging with friends their own age in town, or outside home?

59% (120) 1.
14% (29) 2.
15% (32) 3.
5% (11) 4.
4% (9) 5.

201 voters have answered this question.

...just hanging out at home, on their own?

66% (134) 1.
7% (15) 2.
12% (26) 3.
6% (14) 4.
5% (12) 5.

201 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-08-14 21:48:45 by marko2
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