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Can guys lose their virginity to another guy?

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Plenty of guys, myself included, had sex with another guy before having sex with a girl for the first time. Since his first sexual experience was with a guy, did he lose his virginity to the other guy? Or does virginity loss only happen between a guy and a girl?

If a guy has sex for the first time with another guy, did the other guy take his virginity away?

84% (710) Yes - Penetrative sex is still penetrative sex be it with a man or a woman.
15% (134) No - Virginity loss only applies to male/female sex

844 voters have answered this question.

Guys, was your first time with sex with another guy or a girl?

80% (657) Guy
19% (164) Girl

821 voters have answered this question.

Guys, if your first time was with a guy, did you like that fact?

74% (531) Yes
25% (182) No - I wish it would have been with a girl first

713 voters have answered this question.

Guys, if you could go back and time and change the gender of the person you first had sex with, what would you choose?

27% (223) I would have my first time with a girl.
32% (258) I would not care if it was a boy or a girl.
39% (319) I would have my first time with a boy

800 voters have answered this question.

Guys, if you had sex for the very first time with another guy, was it his very first time with a guy?

61% (440) Yes
14% (101) No - His first time was with another girl.
24% (178) No - His first time was with another guy.

719 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-04-11 20:18:57 by The_Nothing_Man
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