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I'm doing this poll for a school report and I'd like to thank anyone who takes it.

How do you feel about the technology of cloning? (When I say cloning technology I mean the technology to recreate identical copies of cells. Whether it be a human being, an animal, or organs for transplants.)

18% (2) Very positive
45% (5) Somewhat positive
27% (3) Somewhat negative
9% (1) Very negative

11 voters have answered this question.

Lets pretend you were in a car accident, and your heart is going bad, and it will soon die off. Assuming you couldn’t get any donor organs, what would you say if the doctor tells you he can grow a new healthy heart from a cell in your current heart and they can then transplant it into your body. Would you agree to the procedure or not?

90% (10) Yes
9% (1) No

11 voters have answered this question.

How about the same situation with a child or a loved one?

100% (11) Yes
0% (0) No

11 voters have answered this question.

In another situation how would you feel about a child being genetically altered to remove heart disease, or another hereditary disease? (I.E. the embryo is being changed before the child is born.)

18% (2) Very positive
36% (4) Somewhat positive
45% (5) Somewhat negative
0% (0) Very negative

11 voters have answered this question.

How would feel about a similar situation, in which the unborn child is altered to be given blond hair and blue eye’s instead of removing genetic defects.

0% (0) Very positive
9% (1) Somewhat positive
27% (3) Somewhat negative
63% (7) Very negative

11 voters have answered this question.

From what you currently know would you say that it’s possible to copy the information and memories stored in ones brain?

10% (1) Yes
90% (9) No

10 voters have answered this question.

If a man or woman was cloned do believe it would have a soul?

66% (6) Yes
33% (3) No

9 voters have answered this question.

If you could be cloned would you want to be?

18% (2) Yes
81% (9) No

11 voters have answered this question.

Are you for or against certain type's of cloning? Would you say your for?

0% (0) Human cloning
50% (5) Therapeutic
40% (4) Both
10% (1) None

10 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-05-18 16:31:44 by Zoomy222
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