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Home school uniform

I was home schooled so I wouldn't be picked on due to how I was dressed. I was dressed in "nice" clothes often called sissy clothes. This included sailor suits, kilts, shortalls, velvet suit. I still had a uniform even though home schooled. This consisted of a kilt, tweet jacket, white shirt, bow tie, grey cable knit socks or tights and Mary-janes. Also wore a nappy/diaper. What about you?

25% (38) Where you home schooled?
69% (106) Yes
5% (8) No (please don't continue)

152 voters have answered this question.

What underwear did you wear?

23% (35) White boys underwear such as tighty whities
14% (22) White girls underwear plain
23% (36) Pink girls underwear plain
19% (29) White ruffled tennis panties
7% (11) Girls gym panties
60% (92) Nappy/diaper
13% (20) Other please state

152 voters have answered this question.

If you wore a nappy/diaper why did you wear it

20% (21) Needed to
10% (11) Wanted to
68% (69) Forced to by parent/s

101 voters have answered this question.

What legwear did you wear

16% (25) Boys ankle socks
40% (61) Girls frilly/lace anklets
21% (33) Boys plain knee socks
30% (47) Girls pereline knee socks
13% (21) Cable knit tights
13% (21) Plain tights
19% (30) White tights thick
16% (25) White tights thin
21% (32) Pink tights
17% (27) Nothing
2% (4) Other please state

152 voters have answered this question.

What was worn on your feet

17% (27) T-bar BOYS sandals
23% (35) T-bar GIRLS sandals
50% (77) Mary-Janes
17% (26) Boys school shoes
18% (28) Ballet shoes
19% (30) Nothing
6% (10) Other please state

152 voters have answered this question.

What bottoms did you wear

28% (43) Grey school short shorts
25% (39) Shortalls
22% (34) Velvet shorts
16% (25) Satin shorts
6% (10) Lederhosen
28% (43) Kilt
28% (43) Rompers
26% (41) Sailor suit shorts
7% (12) Sailor suit knee pants
7% (12) Knickerbockers
19% (30) Nothing
23% (35) Other please state

152 voters have answered this question.

What shirt/blouse did you wear

52% (80) Girls lace blouse
16% (25) Boys lace collared shirt
15% (24) Boys shirt Peter Pan collar
17% (27) Tee Shirt
16% (25) Boys school shirt
13% (20) Nothing
6% (10) Other please state

152 voters have answered this question.

What did you wear over your shirt/blouse

9% (14) Tweed jacket
20% (31) Velvet jacket
5% (8) Eton suit jacket
27% (42) Sailor suit top
28% (44) Jumper
44% (67) Nothing
11% (17) Other please state

152 voters have answered this question.

What did you wear on your head

57% (88) Nothing
19% (29) Straw boater
14% (22) Berret
14% (22) School cap
3% (5) Tam O Shanter (Scottish Hat)
5% (8) Other please state

152 voters have answered this question.

Will you describe your experiences. Please use messages area.

38% (58) Yes
61% (94) No

152 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-09-23 11:01:17 by Poshkid
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