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Do you have siblings who wear diapers too?

I'm Kiara and I'm 13. I have two brothers who are younger than me, my little brothers. They are 6 and 10 years old. My brothers still wet the bed sometimes but my middle brother really doesn't that much anymore. My little brother still does and so do I. He wears a Pull Up to bed and I wear a diaper. I am wondering if anyone else who has sisters and brothers if they wet their bed or pants too? Like is it really common in families or just mine? If you do, how do you feel about it. If not how do you feel about that then. I made my poll to find out. This is for girls and boys.

Are you a girl or boy?

56% (197) A girl
43% (150) A boy

347 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

6% (22) 9 or younger
17% (60) 10 to 12
33% (116) 13 to 15
29% (104) 16 to 18
13% (46) Are you older than 18

348 voters have answered this question.

Do you wet your bed still?

96% (334) Yes
3% (13) No

347 voters have answered this question.

Do your siblings wet the bed too?

69% (244) Yes
30% (105) No

349 voters have answered this question.

Are they younger than you?

90% (314) Yes
9% (34) No

348 voters have answered this question.

Are they older than you?

39% (133) Yes
60% (202) No

335 voters have answered this question.

If they are younger than you, do feel embarrassed that you're still wetting your bed too?

62% (210) Yes
37% (125) No

335 voters have answered this question.

If they are older than you, do you still feel embarrassed wetting your bed?

32% (92) Yes
67% (188) No

280 voters have answered this question.

Are they a boy or girl?

62% (217) Girl
37% (131) Boy

348 voters have answered this question.

If they are not wetting the bed anymore do you feel embarrassed that you are still but not them?

37% (106) Yes
34% (98) No
16% (47) I am jealous they are dry now but not me.
11% (33) I am happy they are dry now even if I am not

284 voters have answered this question.

Do they tease for wearing diapers or pull ups still?

43% (146) No
56% (192) Yes

338 voters have answered this question.

If they do, how much do they tease you?

54% (134) Every night
25% (63) Once a week
19% (47) Once a month

244 voters have answered this question.

How do they tease you?

36% (91) Do they say mean things to you?
46% (115) Do they laugh at you?
42% (106) Do they say mean things about your diaper or pull ups?
71% (178) Do they ask you if you went in your diaper or pull up?
64% (161) Do they try to check your diaper or pull up when you don't want them to?
48% (120) Do they try to touch your diaper or pull up?
46% (115) Do they make up stuff about your diaper or pull up? Like do they say to others that you pooped because it smells or that you peed because they can tell?

249 voters have answered this question.

Do you tease them back when they tease you?

55% (155) Yes
44% (124) No

279 voters have answered this question.

Do your parents try to stop the teasing?

56% (159) Yes
43% (124) No

283 voters have answered this question.

Do you get in trouble for teasing them back but not them for starting it?

28% (79) Yes
36% (101) Yes, sometimes
34% (96) No

276 voters have answered this question.

Do you all get diaper changed at the same time?

45% (152) Yes
34% (115) Yes, sometimes
20% (68) No

335 voters have answered this question.

Do you hate getting changed at the same time as they do?

51% (166) Yes, I am older so it's embarrassing
8% (28) Yes, I'm a girl and they are a boy or reverse
4% (16) Yes I am younger but it's still embarrassing to me
34% (113) No I don't care

323 voters have answered this question.

If you get checked, do you get checked at the same time as them or asked?

46% (154) Yes, sometimes
41% (137) Yes always
11% (37) No, never

328 voters have answered this question.

Do you ever ask to be changed away from them, like in private?

16% (56) Yes and my parents do it there
45% (152) Yes but my parents won't let me
37% (124) No I never ask

332 voters have answered this question.

Do you have to get undressed and get your diaper or pull up on in front of them?

65% (222) Yes
29% (101) Yes, sometimes if there's no room like on a trip or in the car
5% (17) No, never

340 voters have answered this question.

In the morning, do you have to keep your diaper or pull up on until your parents say you can take them off?

51% (175) Yes
24% (83) Yes I have to wait until everyone is up first
4% (16) No but I have to ask first
19% (68) No but I have to wait until I can get in the shower

342 voters have answered this question.

Do you ever have to go around where your diaper or pull up is visible in front of your siblings?

81% (280) Yes, at night before bed
74% (255) Yes on trips because one hotel room or whatever
74% (255) Yes, in the morning before I get dressed
57% (198) Yes sometimes it happens
1% (4) No, never
4% (14) No except if I have to get changed with them

344 voters have answered this question.

Do you ever get checked in front of them or at the same time?

63% (217) Yes, all the time
31% (107) Yes, sometimes
5% (18) No, never

342 voters have answered this question.

Do you get embarrassed when you have to get checked in front of them?

42% (143) Yes, all the time
18% (62) Yes, sometimes
28% (97) No because they are getting checked too
10% (34) No, never

336 voters have answered this question.

If you get checked at the same time, do you get embarrassed if you're wet or messy and they are not?

45% (152) Yes, all the time
30% (102) Yes, sometimes
23% (79) No, never

333 voters have answered this question.

Do your siblings feel the same as you on all this?

18% (61) Yes, they are embarrassed too like I am
20% (67) Yes but not as much as I get
18% (60) No, not really but I think so.
42% (139) No they don't care

327 voters have answered this question.

If you and your siblings wear the same things, do you talk about it?

15% (52) Yes, all the time
50% (164) Yes, sometimes we do
34% (112) no, not at all.

328 voters have answered this question.

If you and your siblings are wearing the same things but you don't want to, do you work together to try and convince your parents to change their mind?

3% (10) Yes we do all the time
6% (21) Yes sometimes
36% (117) We tried but it didn't work so we gave up
53% (172) No we don't

320 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel that you are treated the same way as them even if they are a lot younger than you or older than you?

50% (170) Yes, all the time
32% (108) Yes sometimes
17% (59) No

337 voters have answered this question.

If you said yes, do you think it's fair to do that to you?

39% (121) No, I'm older than them so I think I should be treated differently.
9% (28) No, our problems are close but not the exact same thing
18% (55) No I don't think it's fair but my parents do.
32% (100) Yes, I think it's fair

304 voters have answered this question.

Do you ever compare yourself to them just so you can get out of having to wear a diaper or pull up?

18% (60) Yes, I try this all the time because it's true.
11% (38) Yes I try this because sometimes it works
69% (222) No, never do I do this

320 voters have answered this question.

Have your siblings ever talked your parents out of wearing a diaper or pull up but it didn't work for you?

21% (68) Yes, it happens a lot
24% (77) Yes it happens but not a lot
54% (174) No it doesn't happen

319 voters have answered this question.

If it worked, how mad were you that they got out of wearing a diaper or pull up but you didn't get to?

27% (69) I was super mad
9% (23) I was mad but not that mad
28% (70) I told my parents it wasn't fair but that's all
34% (85) I didn't care so I wasn't mad at all.

247 voters have answered this question.

If they got to not wear a diaper or pull up, did you try and sneak yours off too?

4% (12) Yes, I do it all the time when that happens
30% (82) Yes, I did it once or more but I got caught.
7% (19) Yes I try to if I can get away with it
29% (81) no, I don't want to get caught
28% (77) No i don't care

271 voters have answered this question.

If they didn't have to wear a diaper or pull up but you snuck yours off and they knew about it, did they tell on you?

41% (107) Yes, they do it when they know
15% (40) Yes, a few times when they found out
17% (45) No, they never know it
25% (64) No, they keep my secret too

256 voters have answered this question.

If it's the other way aroind, do you do the ame thing to them?

25% (65) Yes, I do
23% (59) Yes sometimes
50% (129) No, I keep it a secret too for them.

253 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-11-03 17:18:08 by KiaraC
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