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The ULTIMATE metal song poll(FINALS!!)

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Alright, we're finally down to what possibly could be my last 'best song' poll... I'm quite busy with college so this could possibly be it. ~ anyway, its still metallica vs. sabbath, so get to voting.

Which song is better?

34% (22) War Pigs(Black Sabbath)
65% (42) One(Metallica)

64 voters have answered this question.

The Big 4: which big song is the best?

75% (47) Master of Puppets(Metallica)
1% (1) Madhouse(Anthrax)
12% (8) Angel of Death(Slayer)
9% (6) Peace Sells(Megadeth)

62 voters have answered this question.

The big "grunge" songs... or Tool? lol

33% (21) Heart-Shaped Box(Nirvana)
27% (17) Black Hole Sun(Soundgarden)
19% (12) Man in the Box(Alice in Chains)
19% (12) Sober(Tool)

62 voters have answered this question.

One more... 5 songs that were defeated in round # 1

14% (7) No Sympathy for Fools(Behemoth)
22% (11) A Boy Brushed Red... Living in Black & White(Underoath)
37% (18) The End of Heartache(Killswitch Engage)
20% (10) Black No. 1(Type O Negative)
4% (2) Solitaire Unraveling(Mushroomhead)

48 voters have answered this question.

What'd u think of this entire poll series? (only answer if u've taken 3 or more polls in the series)

15% (7) Freakin AWESOME!!!
13% (6) really good
20% (9) decent
15% (7) it was ok...
9% (4) I could've made a better one
13% (6) it sucked!!!
11% (5) what was the question again?

44 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-10-31 18:20:07 by half-silver28
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