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This poll is about giving your phone number to girls.

Only male opinion please!

I know the questions are somewhat repetitive, but they ARE different and just narrowing down the situation.

Are you a guy?

96% (26) Yes.
3% (1) No. (Please ONLY look at results!)

27 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

0% (0) Under 13.(Please leave/Only look at results)
40% (10) 14
12% (3) 15
0% (0) 16
0% (0) 17
4% (1) 18
16% (4) 19
0% (0) 20
20% (5) 21-25
4% (1) 26-30
4% (1) 31+

25 voters have answered this question.

Do you usually give your phone number to a girl you like? (Like out of nowhere and not including "just friends" who you know.)

28% (7) Yes.
40% (10) No.
28% (7) Sometimes.
32% (8) Only if I know her.

25 voters have answered this question.

Would you give your phone number to a girl who asked for it? (A girl you didn't know.)

36% (9) Yes.
12% (3) No.
52% (13) Only if I liked her too or if I thought she was hot.

25 voters have answered this question.

What if a some girl goes up to you and says her friend wants your phone number?? (You and the girl who wants it don't personally know each other.)

32% (8) I would give it.
12% (3) I wouldn't give it.
48% (12) I would only give it if I knew her.
32% (8) I would only give it if I liked her too.

25 voters have answered this question.

What if some girl wanted your phone number, but you didn't like her?

36% (9) I wouldn't give it.
52% (13) I would would give it just to be nice.
12% (3) I would just give her a fake phone number.

25 voters have answered this question.

What if some girl goes up to you and says her friend wanted your phone number, but you didn't like her?

44% (11) I wouldn't give it.
40% (10) I would give it just to be nice.
16% (4) I would give a fake phone number.

25 voters have answered this question.

Would you give your house phone or cell phone? (If you liked her)

24% (6) House.
96% (24) Cell.
0% (0) I don't have a cell so I would give my house.

25 voters have answered this question.

So if you give out your phone number to a girl who asks for it, that means... (I'm not talking about "just friends")

56% (14) That you like her.
60% (15) It doesn't necessarily mean that you like her.
36% (9) It also means that you don't dislike her either.

25 voters have answered this question.

Is this poll good/helpful? (By the way...Post something on the message board about it.)

62% (15) Yes.
37% (9) No.

24 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-12-19 23:41:09 by x_Julie_x
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