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Gaming Insecurities

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Vote on gaming insecurities

Do you have a gaming insecurity? (You don't like to talk about gaming, games, or game systems in public because you will be looked upon as a geek)

58% (7) yes
41% (5) no

12 voters have answered this question.

If yes, why do you have gaming insecurities?

10% (1) I worry I'll be frowned upon
40% (4) I think chicks will think I'm dorky
50% (5) I think my friends will think I'm dorky
40% (4) I don't have gaming insecurities

10 voters have answered this question.

What systems do you own?(Of the New generations)

16% (2) Nintendo Gamecube
41% (5) Playstation2
25% (3) Xbox
50% (6) Nintendo Wii
41% (5) Playstation 3
41% (5) Xbox 360

12 voters have answered this question.

What systems do you want to buy next?

12% (1) Gamecube
12% (1) Xbox
12% (1) PS2
12% (1) Wii
100% (8) Xbox 360
25% (2) PS3

8 voters have answered this question.

DS or PSP?

58% (7) Nintendo DS
41% (5) Playstation Portable

12 voters have answered this question.

Do you play online with any of your game systems? (Console or Handheld)

75% (9) yes
25% (3) no

12 voters have answered this question.

If yes, With which game systems? (Console or handheld)

9% (1) PS2
9% (1) Xbox
18% (2) Wii
54% (6) Xbox 360
27% (3) PS3
9% (1) PSP
36% (4) DS
27% (3) I don't play online

11 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-12-19 22:15:53 by ZionMunkee
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