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Driving with a Permit

O.K. so my story goes like this. I got my permit in September 2006 and didn't start driving till May 2007 because I was scared to be on the road...
Can anyone relate to the story above?
Yeah, I was afraid too!
I was just a wee bit nervous...
I was ready to drive straight out of the womb!
If you were afraid at first, how long did it take you to start going on the roads?
I wasn't afraid.
1 month
2-3 months
4-5 months
To the point where I could have gotten my liscense already.
Still to afraid to this day.
Are you more comfortable now, that is if you are one who is driving on the roads?
I still get nervous.
I'm getting much better.
Pfff, driving is not scary...
Thank you for taking this poll, one last question. Do you think that student drivers with permits should be required to have something on the car that signifies that they are still learning?
Yes, that's a great idea.
Only if they want it.
NO, that's stupid!
This poll was created on 2007-06-15 18:05:24 by bowling4bear