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How much sleep do you get (teenagers)?

Sleep for teenagers
MALES ONLY What time do you go to bed each night (on average)?
FEMALES ONLY What time do you go to bed each night (on average)?
How many hours sleep do you get each school night (on average)?
<4 hrs
4 hrs
5 hrs
6 hrs
7 hrs
8 hrs
9 hrs
10 hrs
>10 hrs
IF LESS THAN 8 HRS: How do you feel when you wake up?
Can not be bothered and could go back to sleep
Can not be bothered but couldn't go back to sleep
A little tired but can get up after a couple mins
A little tired but get up straight away
Very good and fresh
Do you catch up lost sleep at the weekends?
Yes, sleep in a lot longer most/every weekend
Yes, sleep in a little longer most/every weekend
Yes, sleep in when i can
No, cant sleep in at weekends
Reccomended amount of sleep is minimum of 8 hrs per night otherwise you may suffer illnesses later on in life and your learning at school is affected a lot by this...
Yes i know that but don't care
Yes i know that and try to go earlier but can't
No didn't know but not bothered
No didn't know and will try and go earlier
IF YOU GO TO SLEEP AFTER 1PM: Why do you go to bed late?
Make the most of my free time and do homework this time
Make the most of my free time
Try to go earlier but cant
Mates go this time
LESS THAN 8 HRS SLEEP: How do you feel during the school day?
Tired/drowsy everyday
Tired/drowsy most days
Tired/drowsy some days
Tired/drowsy not often
Never tired/drowsy
What time do your mates go to bed?
All go before
Most go before
All go around the same time
Most go around the same time
All go after
Most go after
LESS THAN 8 HRS: What do parents/family/teachers think about this?
They dont know
They know but no bothered
They know and recommend earlier
When do you go to bed?
The same set time each night
Around the same time each night
Whenever i feel tired
Are you worried about the lack of sleep you get?
Yes, very
Yes, slightly
This quiz was
Pretty cool and glad there are others in the same boat as me
Not bad
This poll was created on 2007-07-16 20:51:09 by robinson1992