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Pee Holding Challenge

Can you hold your pee the entire lenght of the poll?

How old are you?

37% (210) <15
22% (127) 15-17
20% (114) 18-20
11% (63) 20-25
4% (23) 25-30
3% (19) 30-40
1% (6) >40

562 voters have answered this question.

What is your gender?

40% (228) Male
53% (302) Female
5% (30) Other

560 voters have answered this question.

Why are you taking this poll?

33% (187) I took it as a challenge
28% (162) I was curious to see if I could make it
57% (325) I enjoy holding my pee
8% (47) A friend wanted me to do it
21% (123) Boredom/other

561 voters have answered this question.

Is a bathroom available? Are you in a public place?

59% (333) I am alone, and can pee whenever I want
4% (24) I am in a public place, and I can pee whenever I want
18% (104) I am alone, but there is no available bathroom in the foreseeable future (bold! I like it)
18% (103) I am in public, and there is no available bathroom in the foreseeable future (very bold!)

564 voters have answered this question.

How badly do you need to pee?

11% (64) 1. Not at all
7% (43) 2. Starting to feel something
10% (57) 3. Need to pee a little bit
18% (106) 4. Need to pee. Normally would have gone by now
13% (77) 5. Really need to pee. Can't hold still and the bladder is sensitive.
6% (37) 6. Experiencing a lot of pain. Definately would have gone by now, even in a more awkward situation
8% (47) 7. Bursting to pee. Pee related anxiety hightening, and physical solidness of the bladder
9% (52) 8. The bladder is now protruding slightly and throbbing. Cannot hold much longer.
7% (42) 9. The bladder is bulging more significantly, and quite possibly has leaked by now.
6% (37) 10. On the verge of peeing. Most likely leaked, possibly substantial leak. The geiser cannot be contained.

562 voters have answered this question.

To start the challege, drink two large, full glasses of water (or at least 500 ml) and wait for fifteen minutes before moving on to the next question. How are you doing now?

13% (73) Fine!
33% (186) I need to pee a little bit more now.
41% (228) I need to pee so much more now! Hurry up!!!
11% (62) Oooh... oooh... oooh... finally!
1% (7) I didn't make it. (Go to the end and rate the poll... thanks!)

556 voters have answered this question.

Lean forwards, and push hard into your bladder with both your hands. Hold for thirty seconds. How was that?

22% (125) Fine!
25% (137) Extremely painful!
35% (195) Extremely painful and now I need to pee much more!
15% (82) I spurted, but kept most of the pee in.
1% (7) I wet myself

546 voters have answered this question.

Drink one more large glass of water and wait five minutes. How are you doing?

10% (59) Fine!
27% (150) I need to pee a bit more.
32% (173) I need to pee so much more! Hurry up!!!
27% (145) Oooh... oooh... oooh... yes! I made it again. (Phew)
1% (10) I peed.

537 voters have answered this question.

Drinking contest! Drink as much (water) as you can. I've been playing along, and I drank two full glasses. See if you can drink as much as me. You can do more if you're feeling bold. How much did you do?

24% (130) One. (Drink this, at least)
24% (129) Two. (Nice!)
15% (83) Three. (One, two, three; one, two, three; drink... throw 'em back, until I loose count)
16% (89) Four. (Very impressive. Although I have a feeling you will really really regret it later.)
18% (99) Five or more. (Don't throw up. And if you drank more that many, you either have a bladder of steel, or you are totally not going to make it through the next step.)

530 voters have answered this question.

You're done with water. Sort of. You're done drinking it. Now you just have to hold all that water in for another ten minutes. All 4+ glasses. What do you think about that? Select all that apply.

44% (233) (Groan)
40% (214) (Whimper)
37% (200) Oooooh!
33% (178) Oh no!
51% (275) (Crosses legs)
37% (197) (Double crosses legs)
40% (212) (Sticks hand between legs)
32% (174) (Sticks both hands between legs)
36% (191) (Rocks back and forth)
41% (219) (Figits)
33% (179) (Other pee holding/potty dance movement)

529 voters have answered this question.

Back huh? Rating scale! (See above if you forget)

3% (17) 1
1% (9) 2
4% (22) 3
5% (27) 4
8% (46) 5
8% (44) 6
13% (72) 7
19% (103) 8
14% (76) 9
20% (110) 10
2% (11) Peed waiting.

537 voters have answered this question.

You thought you had it easy. Hold it in another five minutes! How are you feeling now?

6% (32) Fine! (Liar!)
12% (64) I'm begining to have to pee now. (Tries to hide desperation)
30% (161) I could REALLY go for a bathroom now... (squirms in chair). Like NOW.
49% (263) I'm about to explode (whimpers). Oooh! PLEASE let me pee! I NEED to pee!
1% (9) I peed. Those extra five minutes took me over the edge.

529 voters have answered this question.

How much longer can you hold it in for?

10% (58) Oh, at least an hour... no problem!
11% (59) Half an hour. Maybe more.
11% (62) Half an hour. Tops. (Bounces slightly)
20% (111) Fifteen minutes? Ten minutes? Not long! And I don't want to find out, so get a move on with this will you? (Squirms)
24% (131) Five minutes? If even? My bladder is stretched like a water balloon and I MUST PEE!
20% (111) Oooh... A minute or less! Oooh... Nothing can keep Niagra Falls at bay. I am bursting at the seams!!! Oooh... ooooh please get on with this! Oooh...

532 voters have answered this question.

Hold it in for as long as you said you could. Did you make it?

11% (59) Yes. Easily! (You sold yourself short, man. Drink another glass of water and wait ten more minutes!)
26% (140) Yes, but it was difficult! (Hold if for another five minutes then. Get those bladder juices flowing!)
44% (235) Barely!
13% (72) Technically!
3% (20) No.

526 voters have answered this question.

If your bladder was a water balloon, how full would it be? How close to bursting?

3% (21) It popped already!
3% (21) You could tell it had water in it if you shook it, but close to empty
9% (53) Filling up, just starting to stretch
50% (266) Stretching! Much stretching! [insert pee-pee dance] Too much stetching! Something's going to give soon.
32% (171) Oooh...It's to the point you think it would have already burst by now. Like seriously, you can't die from a broken bladder can you? (no) Oooh... Okay, good

532 voters have answered this question.

Now hold it in another five minutes. IMPORTANT! Do not go to the bathroom at any point in these five minutes. You have gone too far to give up. If you must pee, do it elsewhere (like pants, bushes, trash can, etc.) But if at all possible squeeze those thighs togethor, and bottle your pee up!!! How are you holding up now? I know I'm absolutely desperate.

13% (72) Still fine! (I don't believe you)
86% (452) Wow... that's really pushing my limits

524 voters have answered this question.

How has this poll gone for you so far?

No graph available for this question

231 voters have answered this question.

Poke yourself hard in the bladder fifty times, as fast as you can (this one really hurt me). What happened?

4% (26) Nothing
8% (42) Hurt!
16% (86) Hurt and I need to pee more.
65% (344) Hurt and I need to pee MUCH more.
4% (25) I peed.

523 voters have answered this question.

If you are too proud to give up and too desperate to hold it any more, congraduations! You may now pee a victorious pee, then return scroll and scroll to the bottom to rate the poll. But if you are determined to wet and or suffer even longer, the keep going and continue past the ratings on to the last few challenges.

7% (39) Goodie! Maybe then I'll start needing to pee. (Dude, you either cheated or have been playing this wrong.)
73% (380) Oh yes! I love pain!
18% (98) Uhhh... no thanks. The bathroom sounds too nice right now.

517 voters have answered this question.

Lay on your stomach with a tennis ball, water bottle or anything reasonably large resting directly beneath your bladder. Wait for thirty seconds. Then lift all your arms and legs up for ten seconds so all your weight rests on your bladder. What happened?

7% (37) Lost control and peed
38% (188) Agonizing pain and spurted significantly
48% (237) Agonizing pain, but had minimal to no leakage
5% (26) Felt nothing at all (sure you did, sure you did)

488 voters have answered this question.

Go interact with people. Talk to someone you know if they are near, call a friend if not (preferable a video chat), or drive to a place without a bathroom (maybe just drive around for a little, or go on a walk. Try to spend five to ten minutes away from a bathroom. If you can't, just wait five to ten minutes, honor rule, and don't go pee.

12% (58) I wet myself
43% (207) Oooh... It hurt so badly, everyone knew I needed to go so badly. And I barely made it through. I might have leaked, too. I'm going to explode any minute now
34% (167) I really need to pee... they probably could tell too... Ten minutes is a long time!
10% (48) No problem!

480 voters have answered this question.

Final challenge: take a shower without peeing. Good luck!

23% (111) Failed
34% (160) Passed with leakage
34% (159) Passed with difficulty
7% (35) Succeeded with flying colors

465 voters have answered this question.

Rate the poll time! Now you can pee if you haven't already done so. What do you think of my poll?

42% (205) Wonderful!
16% (80) Great!
17% (82) Good!
12% (61) Not bad
1% (8) Not very good
2% (11) Bad!
1% (8) Really bad!
5% (26) Terrible!

481 voters have answered this question.

Any advise for future polls?

50% (236) Make it longer
4% (20) Make it shorter
49% (232) Add more tasks (activities without drinking or waiting)
2% (14) Fewer tasks
32% (154) Make us drink more
10% (47) Make us drink less
34% (162) Make us wait longer
11% (55) Make us wait less
34% (160) More optional questions or activities who's difficulty depend on how much you need to pee (wait as long as you think you can, etc.)
7% (37) Less optional stuff

467 voters have answered this question.

I hope you enjoyed this. Thank you! Other comments, questions, concerns?

No graph available for this question

81 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2015-11-28 04:19:11 by HHeLiBeB
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